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A few years ago we had a land rover free lander, terrible thing, and it was a regular occurance that we'd lock the car in a car park and return to find it unlocked. It was also a regular thing that we'd unlock the car only to have 4 or 5 cars nearby all simultaneously unlock themselves.
I agree for proper landies - series nineties and real defenders. The rest are ****.

They were farmers cars they are now a status symbol.

£60,000 to £117,000 ashock1

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They must have been down the pub if they need to queue like that for a Jimmy Riddle.

Joking aside we had one phone box for the whole estate back then imagine the length of the queue on a Friday knight when they were all trying to do their drug deals. :laugh8:
You would have your child taken from you if you did this today :D

A baby cage was a bed in a wire cage suspended from city apartment windows. The "health cage", as it was initially called, was invented by Mrs. Robert C Lafferty to provide babies with fresh air and sunshine while living in crowded cities.

Isn't clamping now illegal? Is it illegal in a lawful sense to cut one off or does it just annoy the clamping nazis?
its criminal damage to damage in any way a clamp or restraint device.

If you remove it by force then yes its a crime if as in the video and other videos you erm fix your broken vehicle and said clamp or device fall off provided you have not damaged it that cannot be classed as criminal damage.

law is different In Scotland to England for example can't speak for Wales or NI

As the video states would be a civil matter for breach of contract