Scrub 2kg parsnips, slice&boil until tender (30mins-ish);
Strain into another pan onto 1kg sugar, 1.5Tbsp citric, 0.5Tbsp tartaric, 250g chopped raisins: simmer 45 mins;
Add crushed Campden tablet, into fermenting bin, water to about 4litres, leave 1 day,
add nutrient, half sachet yeast (Gervin No1 B GV9) and pectolase
Stirred daily ~10 days,
Sieved into demijohn
Racked & stabilised. Quite sharp, prolly be OK
2013-05-31 Bottled.
OK nearly a year later it's quite good but not great.
You know when on your first taste you think "not sure about this" but by the end of the bottle you're happy enough? Like that.
Think next time sultanas instead of raisins
It's lacking something else though. Might cut back the acid slightly and use some AJ instead of some of the water
Maybe GV9 isn't the best yeast for it.