Back in November I made a brew I called Nutty Rauch Brown, it went well but it had a taste I was not too keen on, perhaps it was the smokey flavoured Rauch Malt I included. However it has never been unpleasant, just not one I really liked.
Well its matured into a great pint. The bottle I've just had is all I want from an all grain brew. A beautiful thick white head that lasts and lasts, even a little laceing on the sides as the beer went down. Clear as a very clear thing,and a deep Amber to darkish brown colour., The beer was well carbonated with tiny little bubbles, nothing ferocious or violent. I drank it at room temp and that allowed the beer to give off all its flavours,sweetish malty beer,nothing too powerful, the taste lingered long after the pint was consumed. You wanted more. Gorgeous.
Outstanding pint and one who's recipe I've now upped to 23 litres for its next brewing...oh yes, there's going to be another brew of this one, and soon.