Oxi clean

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Active Member
Feb 14, 2013
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Hi all,

Just a quick question,

How good is this stuff!.. People say it leaves white spots after rinsing?..

Also is it best to use this after you have use the equipment!..

Sorry but just never used the stuff before!.. :thumb:
I wash all my gear in it then rinse it well....needs seperate steraliser tho
Thanks everybody!.

I have a couple of stock pots to clean and I was wondering weather this was the right product to use!..

Also weather to use this when I have finished using my FV..
use it as a good all round general cleaner for plastics and ss and copper.
Its not a steraliser and does leave a residue so needs rinsing off
fetches your copper chillers up like new !
Thanks PD,

Think I will go and get some today!...

I take it, it's just mix it with warm water and let it sit for a while and then give it a swish round!!
couple o scoops in a couple o liters let things soak in it then clean gently
That's it really. I use it to clean my FV's right after racking. Also my boiler after the boil to clean the elements. For dried on gunk just leave to soak for a while and it comes right off. Get the cheap stuff as it doesn't have perfume added.
Thanks for all the advice guys.

Top notch!..

Will put everything in my FV eg plastic spoons,tap etc etc when I have finished my dark ale!..

Will also need to clean my stockpot as I steep some grains for the first time!..
Well pleased to come across this.I read somewhere you were not supposed to soak things with zips in oxy and was a bit bothered about my boiler element.
Its reassuring when you hear from someone who uses it.
Come to think of it most zips are plastic.

Been using it for a while, only issue I had was when I used a different brand, needed more than my normal ( of1 scoop/6 gals of hot water) to clean. Then I had a residue that I blame for loosing a couple of batches.
Now back to using the 89p stuff from Home Bargains. I do a quick rinse of the FV/boiler/MT/barrel and then fill with hot water and 1 scoop of OC. Leave for a few hours/overnight then empty and refill with hot water for a rinse is normally all they need to be clean, if the FV has had a "run over" then I invert it into a couple of gals of the stuff in a large floppy tub I have. Saves a lot of elbow grease.
I have just got back from shopping.

Now weather I am just being incredible thick (which is properly the case).

I really could see any oxi clean without all the scent blah blah blah..

Is it called something else and if it was then was properly staring right at it!..
usually stored alongside stuff like Vanish
Oxy clean is its name
Must have been out of stock as they had vanish oxi something or another and not just oxiclean
Will have to have a look around!..
Sorry to dreg this up again!..

I have been into tesco, asda and still can't find it!.. Do they actually sell oxyclean in the uk?..

Or will I have to buy an own brand in which I did see one in tesco but it was not perfume free


Matty :thumb:

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