I have a shower in starsan and wash my clothes in PBW before brewing
Hi!give you local health and enviroment a call who will come to your house/brew area and rate your place fro brewing hygiene just like the takeaways etc. Mine is 4 out of 5 I would have got 5 out of 5 but I also grow mushrooms in the same room as I brew in
I seem to recall someone's cat jumping into his fv as he was filling it.
And isn't there that guy on YouTube who virtually strips and sprays himself with sanitizer before brewing?
I'm not sure what point I'm trying to make here...(but, in my defence, etc etc)
I remember this oneIn all seriousness, though, whatever you do it can't be as bad as the bloke who accidentally dropped a dirty j-cloth in the fv without noticing.
Heehee, the button fell offHi!
Is that the suit with only one button?
I seem to recall someone's cat jumping into his fv as he was filling it.
Restaurants are also something not to think too closely about. Do you believe the prep cooks work in silence when they prep the food for the day? No, they do not. They are spitting on the food with every hard consonant they utter. We don't even need to talk about hand washing.
The best you can hope for is that the disease or unwanted substance, swarming all over your food or stuck to it, gets cooked to death on the grill or boiled or fried before you get it--so you probably shouldn't order a salad.
I agree with your brother on that. Though I was having fun with my post earlier, all in all, people are better off eating at home.only a couple that he would want to eat at.
Our gas service engineer shared some of his clients equipment pictures of cookers with toasted mice under the hob splash plate. He said ours was the cleanest he had seen all year. This was really worrying as we have not properly cleaned up after our closing event,,,,, I could tell more tales of dodgy catering, but there are bad and good in all walks of business.My brother used to work for a company which delivered supplies to restaurants. He told me that from all the restaurants where they delivered, there were only a couple that he would want to eat at.
Please don't do that around me, we'll fall outI make sure that I tip every completed batch of wine straight down the sink so it's not hanging around waiting to cross contaminate the next batch!