Oh wow. Nothing like that. That's grim.
Genuinely wild birds that are controlled via recreational hunting during a short season, outside their breeding period. Introduced mallards mainly, but the native paradise duck (a shelduck) is also a target species.They are a grazing bird and numbers have skyrocketed as pastures were created for farming. We can also shoot small numbers of grey ducks, black swans and pukeko (a native swamp hen) if we want. Generally only do so if the landowner requests it.
Most farmers build ponds and create wetland areas for shooting, which is great for all sorts of wildlife. We saw herons, a bittern, swallows, fantails, hawks and kingfishers...
It is pretty challenging, can only shoot birds on the wing, usually call them in with duck callers and decoys after seeing them flying past. They are pretty fast, and there are lots of regulations on type of gun, bag limits etc allowed.
Wild ducks are lean and gamey, we generally pluck, clean and roast them whole, although sometimes just breast them. They are not fatty enough for asian style recipes. Paradise ducks are almost goose sized and we tend to just take the breasts for salami or sausages.
Canada geese have become established and are in such numbers there is no limit on how to take them. Any gun allowed and no season. It's at the stage now that government conservation departments use helicopters to shoot them from during the moult. Worst case is duck/geese numbers get so high ponds become infected with botulism and poison is used. Nobody wants that as it's bloody horrible, so hunting is encouraged...