I am on the commitee for a local skate park, ran and funded by a team of volunteers. We have t-shirts printed every year for the kids. We are just about to order this years. We need approx 100 shirts. What we are looking at with our local printers at the moment is 50 odd tshirts with the logo on the tail of the shirt and repeated small on the sleve, these are single colour (yellow) and 50 odd of the same design but with glow-in-the-dark printing. We will also be ordering some hoodies, just how many depends how much the shirts cost. We are also looking into caps, a flag is interesting. We also need good quality bike stickers in vinyl around 300 or more of them. And also any ideas for merchandising, in the past we have had a skateboard deck done which we raffled off, but we are trying to find other options, that fit within our target audience. I'll PM you my email address.