Offer accepted on a house!

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Apr 28, 2011
Reaction score
Essex, UK
Hello all,

Not been as active on here lately, mainly due to the fact we have had so much going on with estate agents, brokers, etc. Finally found a broker we were happy with, mortage/insurance/solicitors is in the process of being sorted out. To cut a long story short, viewed a number of different properties, found one and had a few chats with the agents about the price....put an offer in which has been accepted :party:

Just wanted to say thank you to everyone for the messages on my previous posts, and also for everyone who took the time to send me PM's.

Its still early days, but all seems to be going well, just need to get to exchange and completion! Then its on with the home brewing again as there will be plenty of space for fridges and cornies! :cheers:
Nice one, well done !!! :thumb:

Wish we could find something we like :hmm:
Nice one Dan! Congrats!

Got enough space for a decent brewery?

We've just gone on the market - waiting for the first interest and viewings! (Anyone want a Maisonette in Oxfordshire? :D )
Congrats, hope it all goes smoothly and stress free. Whereabouts is the new place, still in Essex?
Thank you all, so far the only issues have been with the partners mother. But there you go, fingers crossed all goes well from now on.

Yep still in Essex , not.far from where I am now,so won't even have to start learning where everything is as we already know.

Once I have the keys in my hand I will provide more details, but we are trying not to get too excited at the moment as there's always that chance we don't get it.

Will be nice to at last have our own space , and a huge bolt on the door to keep unwanted guests out haha ;-)
BrewDan said:
Thank you all, so far the only issues have been with the partners mother

Isn't that always the case with the monster in law? Congratulations though mate.
BrewDan said:
Good luck to those putting theirs on the market too

Thanks fella! First viewing on Saturday... Fingers crossed they fall in love with it!!!
It's my turn!!!!

Offer in and accepted on ours - offer accepted on the one we want!!!


(And it's got a mahoosive shed with power and light installed - Hmmm... I.... wonder... :whistle: )