Oatmeal Stout

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Jul 28, 2008
Reaction score
Manchester.....scorchio !
Tomorrow I'll be brewing this little beauty. Based on Sam Smiths clone recipe but with some of the pale malt replaced by flaked barley. If you don't want to/cant get flaked barley, then just use an equal amount of pale malt as a substitute for the flaked barley. This is a house favourite and a damn fine brew :drink:

So, efficiency estimated to be 75%

OG 1.048
IBU 30
60ltr brew length

In the tun @ 66 deg c for 90 mins
(original recipe 65.5 deg c but 66 is good enough)

9.49kg Maris Otter
1.30kg Flaked Barley
0.73kg Chocolate Malt
0.73kg Crystal Malt
0.73kg Flaked Oats**
0.27kg Roasted Barley

**(roasted at 165 deg c for 60 mins, turning every 15 minutes, prior to mashing/grist make up)

In the copper, boil for 90 mins
Pre boil volume 76ltr’s

201g East Kent Goldings (3.71%AA) 90 mins
Whirlfloc tablet 10 mins

Yeast WLP 004 Irish Ale Yeast

I'll add my salt additions in tomorrow :thumb:

004 presently out of fridge warming up ready to receive 1 ltr of freshly boiled wort
great stuff V :thumb:

i've got some irish ale yeast in the fridge for my next TaRd/Genius. i was planning on using it for the one in the fermenter now but it was such a last minute, sporadic brewday the yeast wouldn't have had a chance :lol:
Have a great one V :thumb: ©wez

Good to see you brewing again V, will there be pics?
Cheers chaps ;)
Yep pics as always p2 :oops:

Have a great one V, is that 60L length?

I always miss something...yep 60ltr :thumb:

Might have just killed my yeast :shock: :( ....couldn't wait any longer for the wort to cool (it's been outside near freezing for the last 3 hours), but it still seemed a bit warm compared to the yeast...
It's in a 2ltr pop bottle now, with most of the air squeezed out, and it will be sat by my bed tonight.
If I start hearing creaking pop bottles in the middle of the night...all is well...if not S04 to the rescue :D
Jeez Im on the edge of my seat. Its like watching "Real life yeast emergencies" with Nick Knowles.
How are the little fellas Vossy?

:lol: ...They don't look good for todays brew...no activity overnight..but I've had that before and they've come round after 2 or more days.....slackers :D
I've deleted the aroma hop addition from the recipe. I added aroma hops last time to experiment but they weren't really noticable in the finished product
Todays brew went without a hitch :party:
For some reason I ended up with 64 ltrs post boil @ 1.046, target was 60ltr @ 1.048, but I'm happy enough with that.
Anyway...some pics

The mash and the recircing runnings


The Ph, far left bar 5.4 to right of it 5.2. Temp pretty accurate, return manifold temp left, mash temp right


Starch test after 2 hour mash...looking good and 1st runnings to boiler


Lots of hops and a good rolling boil


Sanitising the cfc by recircing boiling wort and wort transfer to fv with aeration


I use my airstone for the first time today along with 2 mls of antifoam in the fv. I added the antifoam to the fv prior to filling but still got 4 or 5 ltrs worth of foam on the wort

great to see the V1 brewery in action again. :cheers:

I'm looking forward to mine now, should be good come Jan :D
I cooled the wort down to 18.2 deg c before pitching the yeast. The temp fell to 17.7 deg c before the yeast kicked in.
Yesterday I was in fear of the yeast escaping but it looks like the antifoam has done it's job well. Last night the temp had risen to 19.4 deg c so I opened the fv cupboard and left it at that. It held 19.4 and it has only dropped to 19.3 deg c in the last hour. I suspect the yeast is on the retreat having done it's job...might be rewady for racking at the weekend meaning I can brew again :party: