Oat Stout

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gurtpint said:
Mmm... So did you mash overnight Tony? No worries? Got my yeast yesterday and would like to get my starter for this stout as soon as I can but the only vessel that could be used for a 5 L starter I have right now is a 10 L plastic canister which is a bit awkwardly sized... Should I use it or take some time to get a demijohn/flask? Decisions, decisions...

Sorry GP, just seen this. Yes, did an overnight mash and no problems - but I do have one of MD's tuns which has a huge filter-bed.

With reference to the yeast... (hope I'm not too late), I'd get a 5 ltr water bottle from teh supermarket :D
Just about to rack my second oms and had a quick taste.

graysalchemy said:
What did cuss do? :lol: :lol:
Well the instructions I gave him said 130C for 45 minutes . . . . Unfortunately his oven was a bit quick and he went way past the golden brown point and filled the house with clouds of choking black smoke as they were going in for the full 45 minutes . . . they came out a little black :whistle: Still it was a stout so patent Black oats was not necessarily a bad thing :rofl:
Ah. I have just realised that my brewing partner toasted 25% more oats than we needed which I then put in the stout, but hey it is tasting rather good. Can't wait to bottle it and drink it in about a months time.
Tony said:
gurtpint said:
Mmm... So did you mash overnight Tony? No worries? Got my yeast yesterday and would like to get my starter for this stout as soon as I can but the only vessel that could be used for a 5 L starter I have right now is a 10 L plastic canister which is a bit awkwardly sized... Should I use it or take some time to get a demijohn/flask? Decisions, decisions...

Sorry GP, just seen this. Yes, did an overnight mash and no problems - but I do have one of MD's tuns which has a huge filter-bed.

With reference to the yeast... (hope I'm not too late), I'd get a 5 ltr water bottle from teh supermarket :D

No problem Tony. Hmm, I use a SS braid in my tun so that might make overnight mash w/oats a tad more risky, I suppose... Maybe I'll rather pass the idea, unless someone here comes up yelling in my ear that s/he dunnit and it worked a treat ;) Already toasted the oats (750g for 23L).

I was actually looking for those 5L water bottles I saw around last summer but they've all vanished from the shops it seems. 2L bottles are the biggest I've come across. So, I went ahead and used the canister which, while not ideal, at least got the job done. I'll decant the stuff to a smaller vessel and then split. That is due tomorrow. So, I'm starting to have everything I need apart from the brewing salts I ordered. I've had amazingly bad luck with parcels lately and this one is no exception. It left UK a couple of weeks ago and has been missing ever since... The shop I ordered things from have sent me another parcel and I really hope that this time I get to receive it too.
Hopefully be brewing mine on Sunday :cheers: need to get a brew in before i`m off work decorating for a week :D Mind you if the decorating gets done quickly.............................. ;)
Aleman said:
Start the main mash . . . then the glucan mash . . . add when the glucan time is up . . . main mash gets 90 minutes . . . added glucan mash gets 50-60 minutes

Thats a faff too far for me. Think I'll avoid using oats.
Its dead easy. i just do it in a bucket before the mash then add to the mash when the mash goes on. The only thing is your strike temp has to be a bit higher unless, you heat the oats up on a stove( which I don't have where I brew). Last time because it was so cold I had to use a steam from a steam cleaner to get it up to temp, :lol: :lol:

But seriously its not hard at all and makes a fantastic pint. :thumb: :thumb: