I am going to dip a toe into this conversation, just a wee bit. It is to point out that there are many different models of healthcare funding beyond polar opposites of all state funded and all private. This includes Canada with a mandatory health insurance contribution but private care providers funded from this; China with a part health insurance contribution and fixed fees per procedure or illness condition, New Zealand with part Health insurance, fixed fees and copayment, and Singapore with near private service that is part government subsidised. Many low to middle income countries have the most 'private' of healthcare systems of fee per service without regulation of costs. The outlier in almost all health economic and outcome analyses is the US healthcare system, with highest cost per person and poorest health outcomes at a population level per spend.
The other consideration is to point out that surgery is the tiny high cost tip of a very much larger iceberg of healthcare. Many of the causes that lead to surgery and high cost procedures are most effectively addressed through population public health measures, eg Smoking regulation, dietary and exercise promotion, clean water, vaccination programmes and effective primary care provision. These are not the 'sexy' parts of health but they give the greatest value overall for the most people. The interventions that have made the biggest difference to your health right now will include clean water (inc chlorination and fluoridation), sewage management, vaccinations (childhood and adult eg COVID), air pollution reduction, smoking cessation, national screening programmes (bowel, breast, newborn & pregnancy, cervical, diabetic eye, and aortic anerysm eg Scotland), and food supplementation policies (vit D, folic acid).
So before you all debate the merits of health care funding by examining the costs and access to complex surgery, do consider that there is an awful lot more to healthcare for a lot more people than surgery.
[Ok note to self - do remember this is a homebrew forum Anna
