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Nov 13, 2013
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I would have thought any educated person would know that a publicly listed company is always a target from anyone else. I think the gov of the day made the mistake not holding a Golden Share.
Get Andy Burnham in charge, he will carry on getting the NHS privatised, though he will probably pocket the Golden Share.
Get Andy Burnham in charge, he will carry on getting the NHS privatised, though he will probably pocket the Golden Share.

I wasn't aware Andy Burnham was all for the NHS to be privatised I always thought he would be opposed to that.
I wasn't aware Andy Burnham was all for the NHS to be privatised I always thought he would be opposed to that.

There are a few articles of AB and privatisation, for me privatisation is better. You get seen straight away and operated on straight away. NHS you will die on the waiting list. Private health insurance every time

There are a few articles of AB and privatisation, for me privatisation is better. You get seen straight away and operated on straight away. NHS you will die on the waiting list. Private health insurance every time

And if you can’t afford it you die. Complete b#llocks.
And if you can’t afford it you die. Complete b#llocks.
Absolutely true! If you don't get into a private health fund then you will die, die on a waiting list. Operations to be paid for, better to pay than die on the waiting list. That is the future, can't rely on NHS.
Funny how the NHS is full of Australians, working in such a **** show!
Which is exactly what the cons are planning on. Once everyone's got private health insurance, there's no more need for an NHS, job done.
Fortunately I'm in the French system, which, since I paid my N I contributions in the UK, is billed to the NHS. That's not as bad as it seems since health care here is "conventionnée" and costs the NHS much less than if I were to return to England for the same treatment. Work that one out.
Well private health is going up in price here, every year. The biggest problem is getting those just joining the work force to join. They are, naturally full of nothing will happen to me, so won't join. If everyone was in it it would be cheap, the young would buoy up the old. Waiting lists are long on NHS here as it is in the UK. Even life and death operation's have to join the queue. Private health insurance is like any other insurance. Do you really need it, when lives are at stake, yes. Is going into a private hospital better than a public hospital? No! But in life and death situations the answer is yes. I had a collapsed lung recently, ended up in a public hospital, the Jessie McPherson private hospital was through an adjoining wall about 20 meters away. I asked if they could wheel me through to the private, I was told I would get better care in public than private. I later found that to be true. I had to get the operation done privately because of the public waiting list for procedures. The nursing staff in private was absolute crap, they were all trainees from all over the globe with hardly a certified nurse between them.
The nhs is there if you need it, 2018 royal preston hospital open aortic surgery done within 2 weeks of diagnosis, 2022 manchester royal 2 stents fitted within 2 hours of heart attack, the sooner they start turning people away from a&e with trivial ailments and use it as intended emergences only the better things will work, the nhs is great and there when you need it,
Well private health is going up in price here, every year. The biggest problem is getting those just joining the work force to join. They are, naturally full of nothing will happen to me, so won't join. If everyone was in it it would be cheap, the young would buoy up the old. Waiting lists are long on NHS here as it is in the UK. Even life and death operation's have to join the queue. Private health insurance is like any other insurance. Do you really need it, when lives are at stake, yes. Is going into a private hospital better than a public hospital? No! But in life and death situations the answer is yes. I had a collapsed lung recently, ended up in a public hospital, the Jessie McPherson private hospital was through an adjoining wall about 20 meters away. I asked if they could wheel me through to the private, I was told I would get better care in public than private. I later found that to be true. I had to get the operation done privately because of the public waiting list for procedures. The nursing staff in private was absolute crap, they were all trainees from all over the globe with hardly a certified nurse between them.
You've hit the nail on the head @foxy . Get everyone to join as soon as they start work and the premiums would go down and the quality of care would go up.
In fact it should be made compulsory: take the contributions out of everybody's wages at source (you could call them National Insurance Contributions or something daft and inspiring like that) use that money to pay for a service open to all as and when they need it. The same organisation could oversee the training of a sufficient number of doctors and nurses and other specialists and could also oversee the standards of training and qualification. To avoid funds being leeched off into shareholders' pockets, keep it as a nationalised service run by the nation for the nation. You could call it something daft and inspiring like a "National Health Service". Job done!
The NHS is a symbol of Socialism at its best and therefore hated by the Tories who are vowed to destroy it. The right wing don’t want free health care for the majority they want the working class to be even more under privileged, only that way can the rich get richer.
In fact traditional conservatism includes an element of social welfare concerns (articulated by Disraeli, I think) but for all the wrong reasons. Social welfare is about keeping the otherwise poor and dispossessed well-enough looked after that they don't need to revolt. Very few remember, nowadays, or probably never knew that conservatism was inspired by the French revolution of 1789, which shook all the foundations and institutions in Europe. Conservatism is about conserving those institutions in Britain.
Thatcher broke with traditional conservatism and ushered in the New Right, but this lot has moved on from there into uncharted waters. Today's Conservative Party has nothing to do with with the values that inspired its name and carry an association with decency and Establishment, which, while it's motives are anathema to me, can work and govern effectively.
I have never clued myself to a road or chained myself to a fence, if i to defend to the death 2 things it would be the nhs and free speech they both belong to the people so hands off
I wasn't aware Andy Burnham was all for the NHS to be privatised I always thought he would be opposed to that.

This video was made in Jan 2015

Listen to the video from where i started it i don't see where he says he wants the NHS to be privatised.

He says -

"There isn't a right percentage i am very clear that the NHS should be our preferred provider so i don't see a roll for the private sector where it can replace core public provision at the heart of the community but there is a supporting roll where extra capacity is needed to bring down waiting lists that's where it can play a part"

"I believe in a public NHS and what it represents i am not going to be apologetic about that i believe in a service that puts people before profit"

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This video was made in Jan 2015

Listen to the video from where i started it i don't see where he says he wants the NHS to be privatised.

He says -

"There isn't a right percentage i am very clear that the NHS should be our preferred provider so i don't see a roll for the private sector where it can replace core public provision at the heart of the community but there is a supporting roll where extra capacity is needed to bring down waiting lists that's where it can play a part"

"I believe in a public NHS and what it represents i am not going to be apologetic about that i believe in a service that puts people before profit"

I put that in as an example of his hypocrisy.
‘Halt privatisation of NHS services until after election’ – Burnham

There are a few articles of AB and privatisation, for me privatisation is better. You get seen straight away and operated on straight away. NHS you will die on the waiting list. Private health insurance every time

I disagree on the private health insurance and privatisering of health services. They did this in my country (the Netherlands) a long time ago. My costs rose from €18,- a month before to €485,- last month with an own risk of €750,- a year. If you're in perfect health it will be less each month, but still above €300,-. With People already struggeling to pay bills, you shouldn't want that!
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This video was made in Jan 2015

Listen to the video from where i started it i don't see where he says he wants the NHS to be privatised.

He says -

"There isn't a right percentage i am very clear that the NHS should be our preferred provider so i don't see a roll for the private sector where it can replace core public provision at the heart of the community but there is a supporting roll where extra capacity is needed to bring down waiting lists that's where it can play a part"

"I believe in a public NHS and what it represents i am not going to be apologetic about that i believe in a service that puts people before profit"

The whole NHS privatisation thing is a bit of a red herring. It conflates the provision of free at the point of care services with the contracting of corporate entities to provide services to patients.
For the former, no parties will touch that. Conservative ideology does not fit that, but a large chunk of the membership and Tory voters have romantic views of the NHS along with Spitfires victory rolling over the white cliffs of Dover etc. and the country as a whole almost fetishises it. So despite their instincts, Tories know taking that away would be electoral suicide.

The other side of it is the provision of services by private providers, something that has been done since GPs opted out of the NHS when it was founded in 1948. There was a proliferation of private companies providing routine diagnostics and more minor procedures under Blair/Brown along with private hospitals being subcontracted by individual Acute trusts and health boards to increase operation capacity and reduce waiting lists, but any of the concern about wholesale takeovers are not founded. The reason is not ideological but the fact we don’t fund the service sufficiently enough in general and particularly to make any private providers interested beyond the more minor stuff, it’s difficult for any company to make any sort of profit. Circle’s takeover of Hinchingbrooke Hospital is the cautionary tale, giving up after only a third of the contract, not because of the criticism of standards there but they could not make any sort of profit based on the funding.
I’ve worked in the English and Scottish NHS systems for nearly 20 years and the problems are myriad (another thread in itself), but issues over privatisation don’t make me lose sleep. I am frustrated that the things that are needed to make a meaningful difference are placed in the “too difficult to deal with box” by all parties as they are very complex and can’t be distilled into snappy sound bites.
I disagree on the private health insurance and privatisering of health services. They did this in my country (the Netherlands) a long time ago. My costs rose from €18,- a month before to €485,- last month with an own risk of €750,- a year. If you're in perfect health it will be less each month, but still above €300,-. With People already struggeling to pay bills, you shouldn't want that!
Its an alternative to public health, the fortunate ones who will go into private health are leaving less of a burden on the public health system. If every one was relying on the public health system it would be in a far worse predicament than it is now. The Australian govt chips in for the over 65's up to 32% which is means tested. It is still expensive but the more people paying into a private health insurance the price will come down.
Here you cant afford not to be on it, how much is your life worth?
A recent case here was a guy needed urgent surgery to remove a tumor, the surgeon wanted $10,000 the unfortunate bloke didn't have $10,000 said he would join a private health insurance, can't do that with a pre existing, said he would go on the waiting list the surgeon told him he would be dead before his name came up. His brother loaned him the money.
Its an alternative to public health, the fortunate ones who will go into private health are leaving less of a burden on the public health system. If every one was relying on the public health system it would be in a far worse predicament than it is now. The Australian govt chips in for the over 65's up to 32% which is means tested. It is still expensive but the more people paying into a private health insurance the price will come down.
Here you cant afford not to be on it, how much is your life worth?
A recent case here was a guy needed urgent surgery to remove a tumor, the surgeon wanted $10,000 the unfortunate bloke didn't have $10,000 said he would join a private health insurance, can't do that with a pre existing, said he would go on the waiting list the surgeon told him he would be dead before his name came up. His brother loaned him the money.
Whats this got to do with being able to pay your energy bills, just asking as that was the op

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