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New Member
Aug 13, 2024
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United Kingdom
Hello everyone!

I've been brewing for a few years now, starting off with the Wilko kits (rip) and then upgraded to an all-grain system (Klarstein Maischfest all in one) and have got on well with it brewing (to name a few) Sussex best clone, a nice porter and an Irish red.

I'm not thinking of upgrading my system but not sure what the biggest impact is going to be...
A couple of ideas I've had are
A fridge for temperature control (I have heating belts and pads)
A sparging system

What you recommend?
I do not have one but a temp control fridge system will be the biggest asset
Temperature control is going to be the best improvement, so as above get a fridge and an Inkbird. Depending on budget, space and brewing frequency you could get a tall fridge and you could then get 2 x 30L FV's in at the same time if needed.

A HLT would be nice but I sparged for a long time without, just heat extra water and drop it into a thermal picnic cooler box and then batch sparge.
Temperature control yes, but it does not have to be a brew fridge.

Other options do exist 👍😁
This. Everyone seems to jump into the "thou should have fridge" bandwagon. If you want to brew lager, it'll probably be a good idea.
But if you brew ales and have somewhere cool (eg, a garage in the UK) then an inkbird and a heating belt is all you need.
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I use a plate warmer which can be wrapped around the FV when I need further control say to raise temp for Diacetyl etc apart from that just my garage and room as said previously
From the options listed I would probably go with a fermentation fridge ... But to throw the cat amongst the pigeons how about a kegorator instead?
Of the options listed a brew fridge would be my choice. Itmakes it much easier to provide a temperature-controlled environment for fermentation and allows for cold crashing.
I actually have 2 brew fridges now, one for fermentation and the other as a cellar temperature fridge for the cornies.
The OP only made 1 post and hasn't been back so it seems we are preaching to the converted.