Newby needin help!

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New Member
Jun 3, 2009
Reaction score
Kirriemuir, Angus, Scotland
Hi there. I'm new to home brewing and was looking for some help and advise. I purchased my kit last week:- King Keg top-tap pressure-barrel, 1kg brewing sugar and the Canadian blonde can by coopers. In my excitement to get started and lack of knowledge I forgot to purchase a thermometer and hydrometer, therefore I couldn't check my wort at the start of my brew. It has now been 5 days and I have the keg sitting in my utility holding a temperature of about 21 degrees. I'm looking for help on what to do next, I have a hydrometer on order and should be arriving in the next few days. Any Help or advise would be much appreciated. Cheerz.
That's slightly warmer than it should be but nothing to worry about, it should be ok. If you have an open fermenter can you see anything happening?
My local home brew shop said it would be ok 2 do primary and secondary all in the king keg so i cant really see what's going on :? There is some slight bubbling coming from around the tap so i take it this means it has started to ferment? sorry if these r stupid questions, like i said, im totally new 2 this. Thanks for you're help.
danielenglish87 said:
My local home brew shop said it would be ok 2 do primary and secondary all in the king keg

I'd say your local shop has given you the wrong advice you would have been better getting a fermenting bucket for the primary fermention then use the king keg for secondry as you are going to have to move the beer out of the king keg to get it off the yeast cake and then put it back into the king keg for conditioning and serving.

If it is leaking fron the tap area it might be wise to loosen off the lid to ease the pressure from inside the keg.
It depends. If you're just using the fermenting bin to hold the beer while you rinse the barrel, you'll probably be ok without sterilising. If you're going to leave it for a while in the fermenter I'd definitely sterilise the keg just before you use it
danielenglish87 said:
Thanks, ill go and do that now. Would it b ok to get a fermenting bucket and syphon from the keg in to this, re sterilise the keg and transfer back or do i risk infection? Thanks for your reply

I would leave it in the keg for now as not to disturb the fermentation and get yourself a hydrometer when its finished fermenting syphon to the fermenting bin making sure you fully sanitize the bin first then clean and sanitize the keg then syphon the beer back to the keg and prime as per instructions on the kit :thumb:
danielenglish87 said:
Great, thanks for all your help. Would i b right in thinking that i then leave the keg at the same temperature for another week and then move somewhere cool and allow to clear for 2 weeks?

Yes if you can wait that long ;)
danielenglish87 said:
My local home brew shop said it would be ok 2 do primary and secondary all in the king keg so i cant really see what's going on :?
You are not the only one brewing like this.