Thanks for the feedback guys. I haven't seen many recipes that are for partial mash so I will have to look into this a bit further, as only really seem to see stuff about All Grain or Extract! Maybe the book will help me on that front when it arrives.
I would ideally like to go to a higher volume of brew but am very space and time limited, with a one year old doing his best to trash the house on a daily basis. We have a small larder that I can keep the Bubbler in OK but a larger FV I would struggle to store as any other space is taken up with toys! Guess I would also need a bigger kettle as well, and this current one fills up the stove top as it is, so I wonder if I could even get a kettle that would fit on the stove and be able to maintain heat from the bottom properly for an hour.
Oh and I have looked at that guide to All Grain and it makes it sound very simple indeed, compared to other descriptions/recipes I have read, so I intend to give that a go, in a few brews time.
I am space and time limited, so I do a reduced size boil and do extract with a partial mash (sometimes).
here's the recipe for risky business - brewdog liked it

Malt & Sugar:
2kg very dark dme
2kg medium dme
500g dwe
250g dark candi sugar
250g choc
250g carafa special III
250g roasted barley
500g dark crystal
steeping in 2 litres chase spring water
strike temp 76.8 - mash/steep temp 65
rinsed with 2 litres water at 50 degrees
added 4 litres to boil
and 4kg dme and candi sugar boiled for 15 min
50g mandarina bavaria in 1 litre of water separate 15 min boil
all pitched into fv and final 500g DWE stirred in.
topped up to 22 litres(determined to end up with 20 litres of beer) = 60 x 33cl bottles!
Mj belgian ale yeast rehydrated in 150ml 30deg water
pitched at 29 degrees - fermenting at 22
og 1090 - fg 1011.
tastes very drinkable out of the sample jar, rich chocolate hints with dark fruits and sherry hints. Super now!
fabulous level of sweetness - not sickly balanced with a light bitterness. superb.
what a fantastic dessert beer :-)
primed with 150g sugar
also you can substitute pale malt with extra light or light dried malt extract to only have to steep specialty grians.