Brewing related resolutions/targets:
1. Enter my rauchbier into a homebrewing competition
2. Complete my kilderkin brewery exactly as i want it
3. make a start on the femto brewery
4. achieve a stock of over 500 pints of beer at any one moment during the year
5. Get SWMBO to do an AG brew (with assistance)
6. Get SWMBO to do an AG brew (without assistance)
7. Get my mate sagacon to do an AG brew (with assistance)
8. make a beer with an 8% or higher abv that actually tastes GOOD!
Personal resolutions/targets:
1. stop buying brewing related things on my credit card and then forgetting to pay it off!
2. drink 20 pints of 5%abv beer in one sitting
3. beat AT at a revenge drinking contest
4. meet AT in person, then beat him again at a drinking contest :lol:
5. go longer than 3 hours without a cigarette, excluding when i'm asleep (that'll be tough!)
6. grow more than my weight in home grown vegetables.
7. Pass my firearms test with the club i'm with, and get a firearms certificate
8. shoot, skin and cook a rabbit
9. shoot, pluck, and cook a pigeon
10. read 5 fiction/biography books from cover to cover ( i dont normally read fiction or biography's, or any books for that matter!). i've read 1/4 the way through Stephen Clarke - Merde Actually in just a day. it's fekkin hilarious and the guy talks in first person, which i relate to better. that, and the guys way with words and thinking is very much like mine!... infact.... he reminds me of MEB .... hey MEB, if your reading this.... check this book out... i've a feeling you might like it