Put my new Hydra chiller to the test yesterday. It's a game changer. I chilled from boiling to 20°C in 6 minutes. That's in a very full 30L kettle.
I brew late at night and along with a 30 min mash and boil my brew day was just over 4 hours and I was in bed not long after midnight.
I agree cleaning is a bore and really time consuming. I an probably not the best person to take advice from as my brew shed is a complete tip but I try to clean as I go during the downtime. Moving back to an immersion chiller has been good because I just dunk it in a bucket of water that I collect from the chiller outlet hose.Have you picked up any more tips to shorten your brew day?
Cleaning is the biggest time consumer for me, struggle to find a way of making that quicker.
I put towels over the kitchen table and let things dry upside down over night, because they are all packed away in a cupboard.
I use water from my CFC to wash and rinse my kit.
The Hydra has 3 25 foot coils of 3/8" (10mm) copper running in paralel so that's almost 23m total length. I think the big difference is that there are no bottlenecks in the chiller. You can run an outside hose tap at full blast and the chiller doesn't slow it down, so it carries away the heat very effectively.How many metres in total? I made mine and it sucks. I could do with straightening mine out and getting 2 more rolls. I only ever chill to around 40c and put in a cube until next day.
I built my own counter flow chiller and when it was working it worked well but being made from 8mm copper tube it still took ages to drain 30L of wort through it. I was also never happy with the cleaning. I would circulate PBW through it when cleaning the kettle and rinse it but I could never dry it properly and then I was nervous about circulating during the boil to sterilise in case I filled my beer with black gunge. I usually drained a few litres of star san through it and left it at that. Then one night at about 2 AM, the soldered joints started leaking and I had to dig out my old immersion chiller. In doing so I dribbled year old water from the immersion chiller into the beer (luckily it was fine). The combination of all that and receiving a small bonus convinced me to splash out on the hydra.I am in a similar situation to you, 2 month old son and feeling guilty, spending all day Saturday or Sunday once a month brewing.
I would like to get a tighter routine together and do an evening brew like yourself.
I use a Grainfather, so hop stand additions do not take any extra time because the hops are sat in hot wort until the counterflow chiller has drained the tank. I recirculate down to 80c before I start transfer.
But even in the middle of winter, it still takes the best part of 20 mins to chill and transfer 23 litres. I doubt there is anything on the market to touch that chiller of yours.
40 min mash and 10 min mash out may be my route, then look at a shorter boil with first wort bittering hops.
I am chewing over the idea of building a log cabin, so I will have a permanent setup, that would really make an evening brew easily achievable.
I am in a similar situation to you, 2 month old son and feeling guilty, spending all day Saturday or Sunday once a month brewing.
I would like to get a tighter routine together and do an evening brew like yourself.
I use a Grainfather, so hop stand additions do not take any extra time because the hops are sat in hot wort until the counterflow chiller has drained the tank. I recirculate down to 80c before I start transfer.
But even in the middle of winter, it still takes the best part of 20 mins to chill and transfer 23 litres. I doubt there is anything on the market to touch that chiller of yours.
40 min mash and 10 min mash out may be my route, then look at a shorter boil with first wort bittering hops.
I am chewing over the idea of building a log cabin, so I will have a permanent setup, that would really make an evening brew easily achievable.
Does a 30m mash effect you efficiency much?If you're looking to save time have you considered 30min mash/30min boil? And perhaps even no chilling
Does a 30m mash effect you efficiency much?
I don't mind spending 50p more on malt to loose some effeciency, maybe even full volume mash no sparge.
I do like to do mash out, especially if i went the no sparge route.
I am in a similar situation to you, 2 month old son and feeling guilty, spending all day Saturday or Sunday once a month brewing.
I would like to get a tighter routine together and do an evening brew like yourself
Chilling time went something like:
0 min - 98°C
1 min - 64°C
2 min - 47°C
3 min - 38°C
4 min - 28°C
5 min - 24°C
6 min - 20°C
I was perusing Geterbrewed's site today (as you do) and it looks like they've come up with something very similar to your chiller.
View attachment 16995
Sorry no, I use an SS coil chiller.Did you already used that Chillinator? If yes, what are your thoughts?
That’s impressive, it takes about 7mins to pump out 25litres of wort through my grainfather counterflow cooler into the FV, my old coil cooler used to take about 20mins to get to 20C.Put my new Hydra chiller to the test yesterday. It's a game changer. I chilled from boiling to 20°C in 6 minutes. That's in a very full 30L kettle.
I brew late at night and along with a 30 min mash and boil my brew day was just over 4 hours and I was in bed not long after midnight.