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I think Mileage will be the issue on cheap models alright for daily commutes but days out may be a issue depending on charging points on the journey plus time to charge if not at the destination.
I have seen a couple of second hand electric cars for £12k ish but they only do just over 100 miles and I guess that was when new mileage figures so may be below that
VW (and others) have City Cars coming that will break the 20k mark.

Just under £22 grand and 200 miles.

That will be perfect if you just drive around town.

I would say my weekly mileage is less than that as my commute is a shortish journey, the problem for me is i dont have off street parking so a full EV is a no no i am planning to get a hybrid next.
The thing is, I think the Chinese will bring out a low cost electric people's car soon and clean up because normal people need basic reliable no frills transport.

All the current manufacturers are pumping out overly complex and expensive vehicles, as they can only sell them based on 'tech' and shiny.
Interest rate rises will also show how dodgy the car finance deals are too.
Already have..check out BYD and that is just the tip of the iceberg. Was in China the back end of last year and there were several brands I'd never heard of in the big cities and all pretty good cars too from a passengers perspective. BYD has come over to the west and the others will be hot on their heels no doubt.
I was sat at the traffic lights a couple of nights ago and the ev in front of me had no manufactures badge just a small one like GTI you would see on VW, I assume it must be one of these models you discussed above
Already have..check out BYD and that is just the tip of the iceberg. Was in China the back end of last year and there were several brands I'd never heard of in the big cities and all pretty good cars too from a passengers perspective. BYD has come over to the west and the others will be hot on their heels no doubt.
Not in the EU it won't (may or may not impact us)

37% additional tax. Which basically means "Forget about cheap EVs any time soon"
How long have they been promising parity between EV prices and Ice and as soon as it starts to happen they're talking about slapping on import duties?
You couldn't make it up.
Not in the EU it won't (may or may not impact us)
37% additional tax. Which basically means "Forget about cheap EVs any time soon"

I dont want to turn this into a Brexit debate but isn't this on of the reasons people voted to leave, we make the decisions not them and we should tell china we welcome their cars with no extra tariffs.

The European Union has raised tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles, as Brussels takes action to protect the bloc's motor industry.
The new tariffs on individual manufactures range from 17.4% to 37.6%, which is on top of a 10% duty that was already in place for all electric cars imported from China.
This could raise the price of EVs across the EU, making them less affordable for European consumers.
I dont want to turn this into a Brexit debate but isn't this on of the reasons people voted to leave, we make the decisions not them and we should tell china we welcome their cars with no extra tariffs.
Perhaps, but then you need to understand the reasoning behind the EU's decision. The US is doing the same thing.

They've said "We're not happy that you're undercutting local manufacturing by Government sponsorship to remove competition"

If you see what the Chinese are doing, it's very anti-competitive. They're subsidising EVs so that Europe can't compete and killing EU factories.

The problem is, if we just ignore it, we become one of those countries that say "Yeah, that's OK. You kill off manufacturing in our country. We'll buy your cheap stuff".

I for one would rather deal with Europe than China every day of the week and buy my EVs from them (ironically, I have one of the few European made EVs, but it wasn't deliberate).
You suggesting the EU has only just cottoned onto the fact that China subsidises its industries? Where have they been for the last 30 years? What about the South Korean car industry? the EU also subsidises its industries too so just a little bit of hypocrisy going on. Just goes to show one way the move to EV's will make cars ALOT more expensive and stifle innovation and competition.

But politically the Chinese have things stitched up and a move to EV's will just increase our exposure to them..we all saw the impact disruption to the supply of electronics components had post COVID...

Hopefully we'll see sense, ditch EV's and move more towards sustainable synthetic fuels so we dont make billions of perfectly serviceable cars obsolete overnight. That would be the most stupid thing.
If you see what the Chinese are doing, it's very anti-competitive. They're subsidising EVs so that Europe can't compete and killing EU factories.
Anti-competative look at petrol stations we have two opposite each other here they are always the same price no one seems to give a toss about competition and this is just one example, we spend most of our money on fuel after the mortgage Lecky and gas etc it should be something we shout about but we just turn up and pay the price.

China are not forcing customers to buy them i know people at work wouldn't be seen dead driving a KIA or other similar badged cars even if it was £5000 below the price of their car to me its short sighted badge snobbery but its their money their choice.
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If you think about anti-competitive, why do you think we have been in the dark ages regards EVs for so long?
It doesn't suit the powerful petrochemical industries to have EVs on the road. They want ICE cars to line their pockets.
What we really.need is for the government to mandate petrol stations to have fast chargers on their forecourts. It would actually be a moneybspinner for the saloons as people would spend half an hour there and spend money in the shop.
Also, we need the public EV chargers to be a bit cheaper. We pay 30p per KWH daily rate (bit less I know), why not have a better rate in the chargers? I think they are charging so thing loke 60p
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If you think about anti-competitive, why do you think we have been in the dark ages regards EVs for so long?
It doesn't suit the powerful petrochemical industries to have EVs on the road. They want ICE cars to line their pockets.
What we really.need is for the government to mandate petrol stations to have fast chargers on their forecourts. It would actually be a moneybspinner for the saloons as people would spend half an hour there and spend money in the shop.
Also, we need the public EV chargers to be a bit cheaper. We pay 30p per KWH daily rate (bit less I know), why not have a better rate in the chargers? I think they are charging so thing loke 60p
I'm off to France in a couple of weeks. Apparently it's about 30p a kW. I did however see some slower 11kwh chargers in Durham at a shopping centre that were 20p per kw. That's cheaper than many people can do at home!

But it's 5+ hours for a full charge for most. But I suppose if you drip charge like most of us, you'll never be there more than an hour or two. Certainly at that price, if I happened to be shopping there whilst away from home (and Durham is a chunk of a way from home!), I'd be plugging in whilst I went shopping.

I think other companies need to consider this.

Cheap charging means I spend more time in your shop and buy more stuff!
China are not forcing customers to buy them i know people at work wouldn't be seen dead driving a KIA or other similar badged cars even if it was £5000 below the price of their car to me its short sighted badge snobbery but its their money their choice.
Kia are South Korean (that's very different to China).

Chinese models available in the UK currently include Tesla (many models), Volvo/Polestar, MG, Volkswagen, some Citroen / Peugeot and Dacia as well as others you may not have heard of like BYD and GWM who are fairly new.

And here's your folk at works snobbery! Mercedes have a $5 billion investment in China with BAIC to make their cars. They're not being hand made in Stuttgart! BMW are doing the same. They're not made in Munich (yet).
A lot of car brands are just using their old models to remind people that cars used to be interesting. Like the new Golf advert, for no reason at all they had to include a mk1 Golf to make it look good.

Something car adverts never have... traffic
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