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sams brew

New Member
May 12, 2012
Reaction score
Hi all just started my 3rd brew so far so good. I found on my last 2 brew they didnt have a head tasted fine I was wondering if theres anyway of improving it I was thinking I need something like an airinator? Dont know if thats the right spelling. When I brew I put it in a container for about 8-9 days then transfer it to a pressure barrel.

Any help is gratefully received
Regards sam

What are the brews?...kits? AG....sounds like the brew ain't building up any Co2. What are you doing when the brew has finished fermenting?. Do you prime?
Hi yes its just a kit my grandad gave me a big container with a lid and 2 pressure barrels I use Geordie bitter. I dont know what you mean by prime it?
When the brew as finished fermenting you take a hyro reading, when it's the same for about 3 days that's when you bottle or keg.
You have to prime with sugar so that while the brew is in your barrel what bit of yeast there is left in the brew will work on the sugar and build up the Co2. That's what you need to gas your beer and that way you should get a head on your pint. :cheers:
Oh yer I do put the stated amount of sugar in but I haven't got a hydro meter to check it.
sams brew said:
Oh yer I do put the stated amount of sugar in but I haven't got a hydro meter to check it.
If you intend to brew more beers etc you really need a hydrometer , they are cheap .You just pop em in water and it will float at a reading of 1000 and if you put into your beer kit at start it will float at a different level and may read something like 1040 , then when you think your brew has finished fermenting you use your hydrometer and it may read now something like 1010 and may be finished fermenting and to know this you wait another day and take another reading , if its the same (1010 or whatever is was etc) then you know your brew is ready . This is often around 10 days sometimes longer .
Thats interesting so once ive got that reading for 2 days or so then switch the beer into a pressure barrel I should add 120g to get it fizzy? Ive been adding 2 n a half oz which my workin out gived me 62and a half grams might be why its flat as a witches tit