New brew room help

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Active Member
Dec 21, 2012
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I am about to move house and we will have a spare room with to my surprise the better half said I could have as a brew room!!! :thumb: :cheers: :D

Problem is this is a rented house and the room in question is a bed room that has carpet wallpaper and other things that might not agree with the humidity coursed during the boil.

so my main question is do others brew in rooms like this and if so what measures do you take to protect it? I was thinking I could sit my brew stand in to 1 or 2 large storage boxes so if anything where to leek it would fill the storage box and not sock into the carpet. was also thinking about fitting an extractor fan to the top of my boiler and extract out of the window. would this solve the humidity problem?

Or should I just man up and brew in the garden?

Many thanks :cheers:
How about using the room to mash, sparge, ferment, store bottles etc. And erect a bar for serving. Then just do the boil outside.

When I boiled inside SHMBO was not impressed with the walls turning sticky from the boiling wort, even with an extractor. The house was an old one with limited insulation so the vapour condenced easily.
craigite said:
How about using the room to mash, sparge, ferment, store bottles etc. And erect a bar for serving. Then just do the boil outside.

When I boiled inside SHMBO was not impressed with the walls turning sticky from the boiling wort, even with an extractor. The house was an old one with limited insulation so the vapour condenced easily.

Thanks for the advice sounds like that could be a plan. only problem being that the room is upstairs. :wha:
have several buckets and then take smaller amounts at a time out of the boiler to carry upstairs to your fermenter...

where theres a will....theres a way
piddledribble said:
have several buckets and then take smaller amounts at a time out of the boiler to carry upstairs to your fermenter...

where theres a will....theres a way

:cheers: :thumb:
I boil in kitchen and keep windows open throughout... It joins the dining room so I open the windows in there and sometimes the back door. Not great but not noticeably awful no visible issues after several boils. Guess kitchen gets grubby anyhow.
If it was me i'd be thinking of the shed or just outside the back door and use the bedroom as a storage place for all other things plus brewing stuff when not boiling etc , you will splash wort , you will spill wort , and you will have sticky horrible walls and probably moldy carpet after a while if you brew in bedroom . Besides believe me you'll soon use up all that space without having a brew area .
Thanks for the advice.

looks like the room might just be used for storage and I will brew elsewhere. There is a shed in the garden but we didn't look in it when viewing the house so I don't know what state it in. :?