New brew. Cloudy. But YUMMY

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Active Member
May 6, 2020
Reaction score
Just a quickie for a newbie brewer.

Brewing complete, thanks to all who left advice leading up to this day.

Tastes great. Should I be worried that it's a tad cloudy. Free of particles, just cloudy. A little clearer than hoegarden.

Which one?
Usually the Young's can take 2+ weeks to finish,then 2 weeks to carbonate in the bottle somewhere warm then 2+ to condition somewhere cool. In which time it should drop clear.
Had 2 and half weeks 1st ferment, 2 weeks +2 days in PB with sugar.

Just bottled some with 1/4 teaspoon sugar.

Tastes good. Not too worried about the cloudiness but from what you say, I should leave it a little longer. I did filter between 1st ferment and moving to PB. As there was a lot of hop debris.

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