Negative opinion of WoW?

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I like i imagine most first tried the original WOW and was not keen, i then made pomegranate and WGJ and this was much better, i then started experimenting and have found WGJ and 100% apple with an added flavour like Tesco 100% apple and raspberry drink works well, i always add citric acid and Glycerine for extra flavour and mouth feel.

As has been said WOW is never going to please someone who likes expensive wine but if like me you used to pay £4 a bottle for supermarket crap making something you like the taste of for 60 pence a bottle has got to be worth the effort of making it.

aamcle i have never tried pineapple as i don't like the taste, have a read of some of the recipes in this thread members have made and commented on - viewtopic.php?f=41&t=39846
I hate it! anything with 1L of OJ in it gives me dyspepsia. Easy White (1L white grape juice + 1L apple juice variations ) for me every time.
aamcle said:
I tried a Pineapple and WG juice, tannin, nutrients, it fermented out fine and cleared well.

I broke a bottle and it had much the same effect on the garage floor as the xenomophs blood had on the Nostromos deck plates.

Unless I need some paint stripper I won't bother again, I may eventually try some fruit tea wine or some fruit wine.

Atb. Aamcle

Well, pineapple innit, the fruit that eats you as fast as you eat it. Very acidic.

I am reading a lot about the finished article, which is of course very important.

However, IMHO it's about the 'making' or 'creating' of something. A bit like a chef creating a dish. The Chef knows its bloody lovely because he made it, knows what went into it and makes it to his general taste. He serves it to a customer who pays 15 quid and he dislikes it. Now, that doesn't make it bad food.

How often have you eaten other folks food and wanted to pavement pizza/kerbside quiche :sick: ? then you try the same recipe at home, with a few alterations and its delicious.

Last summer I sat in my garden and ate my own home grown asparagus, with a hollandaise sauce made from my chickens eggs and a trout caught the previous day from a stream in Devon, all swilled down with an apple WOW with added passionfruit. Im not a smallholder and dont have a vast veggie patch. Im also no expert in wine, but if you could have seen the look on my face that day ... :cheers:
As I have said previously it is about personal taste and expectations. I had one good batch of wow and 60L *****, to me it doesn't taste like a white wine it taste like an alcoholic fruit beverage masquerading as wine, and even though I made it it didn't make it any better, but that is my opinion.

As you say wino you can't beat food and drink prepared from scratch by yourself. I had home made Caerphilly on homemade sourdough bread with homemade pickle. The cheese may have not been close to a Caerphilly but as you say knowing that you made it makes it hard to beat. :thumb:
Grand gris said:
Kinleycat said:
I look at it this way the WOW I make the wife is worth much more than double what it costs me to make, most bottles I have bought in the supermarket are worth exactly what you pay for them.
I think I costed my last batch at 47p per bottle for the White and 45p for the rose, none of its chateau neuf de pape but it's all very drinkable, goes down well with the visitors and keeps the good lady off my back when I'm making a mess in her kitchen and brewing beers, as she feels included.

:thumb: :clap: Totally agree, It amazes me just how much she puts up with the mess I make and taking over the kitchen for a day :eek:

You need a utility room... my own sink, with tiled floor, lights and plugs and heating, direct access to the sterilising buckets outside and the garage for storage!! it's my man cave.
graysalchemy said:
As I have said previously it is about personal taste and expectations. I had one good batch of wow and 60L *****, to me it doesn't taste like a white wine it taste like an alcoholic fruit beverage masquerading as wine, and even though I made it it didn't make it any better, but that is my opinion.

I have never made a white WOW as i have always imagined apple and WGJ would taste like weak cider.

As you say its about personal taste, someone who enjoys expensive wine or who makes the more expensive kits would probably find Pomegranate + WGJ or apple/raspberry + WGJ awful and someone like me who used to drink cheap supermarket wine because it was cheap and didn't particularly care about its taste is more likely to find WOW variants more than acceptable.
I too am not one for spending loads on a bottle of wine, thats why I make my own wine and beer. However I feel that spending £1.70 on a fairly decent bottle of kit wine is worthwhile in terms of flavour. We only drink a couple of bottles of wine a week so IMHO it is justified spending the extra. :thumb:

If I could brew a decent WOW as good as a kit for less I would, unfortunately I have tried and I can't.
Grays Alchemy - How amazing that you make cheese :thumb:

I have the same thoughts about WOW's, they are what they are. I have heard them called 'soulless' amongst other things. I wouldn't go that far, but I get the gist.

I would also say that any commercial bottle of wine (white mostly) that I have bought for around a fiver can also lack many things. I have found a WOW recipe that I really really do enjoy, much to my own surprise after many failures and some also-rans. The secret I have found is to stick to what you like, and know. I like passion fruit, I like dry wine and screaching acidity. So I just teaked and tweaked. I have only found one other person that likes this wine :thumb:

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