Need to take Hydrometer Reading using Ferm Bin with no tap

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Jan 11, 2013
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My first attempt in 5 years. I've always had a fermenting bin with a tap. But this bin doesn't have one. I need a sample to test the hydrometer reading. Any ideas how best to do that? Syphon (sterilised) some out? Or a better method? Offers of advice gratefully received!
Had the same problem.a while back. Get a turkey baster, and attach a length of syphon tube to it. Sanitise it, inside and out and then squeeze the turkey baster outside of the FV, dip into the FV, release and suck up some beer. This ensures you don't squeeze a load of air into the beer. Do this a couple of tomes if you need to top get your sample. :thumb:
Thanks, mate. But what is a turkey baster? Or moreover, where would I get one. I think get the principle though.
I just sterilise a ladle in some boiling water.

But if you want a turkey baster, most shops selling kitchen utensils will sell them (they're like big pipettes for slurping up fat from the roasting pan to dribble on top of the bird).
I personally just put the sterilized hydrometer straight into the top of the fermenting bin. Admittedly if there is lots of bubbles/foam present it can be tricky getting an accurate reading.
+1 for a turkey baster.

This should have really been posted in the general brewing or equipment sections and may get moved by admin. More people visit the above forums so you will get good, quick answers (albeit you got that here this time) :thumb:

Edit: Just seen you have posted the same question in the "Beer Brewing Discussions" forum :thumb:

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