I left my plastic keg in the shed for a long time with a little bit of beer left inside it and all the dead yeast etc. I have not brewed in it since but I want to use it, perhaps for some experimental brewing or something.
I tried sterilising it with sterilizing solution and then dilute bleach but there is a lingering smell. Its pretty much gone from inside of the keg itself but the lid itself still has it. It smells a bit like puke :sick: .
I have even had the led submerged in a lot of bleach and I can still smell it. I have not tried taking it apart because I don't know how to remove the seals and pressure release thing.....
I tried sterilising it with sterilizing solution and then dilute bleach but there is a lingering smell. Its pretty much gone from inside of the keg itself but the lid itself still has it. It smells a bit like puke :sick: .
I have even had the led submerged in a lot of bleach and I can still smell it. I have not tried taking it apart because I don't know how to remove the seals and pressure release thing.....