Hello folks, can't believe it has been so long since I posted this, but I wanted to update as you had all been so helpful.
We finally did another brew, right after Xmas. I convinced myself the issue was a recurring wild yeast infection, so this time I soaked everything in a bleach bath for a good amount of time before the usual sanitising routine. I was also concerned about the possibility of top up tap water I was using bringing issues, so I used all bottled spring water.
Anyway, I cracked one open this week (3 weeks bottle conditioned), and although too early to say for sure, there are no signs of an infection and no red flags. Infact, we brewed up a pretty tasty ale!
So, probably, a happy ending.
PS. The beer is a touch dry. Does this ever improve with age? I am guessing that (because the steel pot I am using to mash is struggling to maintain its temp) a slightly lower average mash temp could have caused this?[/QUOTE
Good news and well done
You’ll be hooked now you’ve cracked it. There is no substitute for good cleaning and sanitation. As you have found.
In your other question, you’ve just mashed too low (62-64 range) if it’s too dry. Try and mash and sparge higher in the 66-67 range if you want a fuller beer.