Survival of the fittest is not what our genetics are adapted for - it is an idea that has been built on and is a lot more complex than that. Our genes are about survival of the genes not necessarily the individual. I do hope I'm not being included in the 'holier than though’ group you are describing? I am going to push back a bit on this and ask exactly what you mean by that description? There are people far more cultured, intelligent and well read than me. I have absolutely no problem thinking of myself as less cultured and artistically insightful than them,…, oh and one of my best friends is a minister - she’s definitely holier than me
Depends on what school of thought you belong in. Genetics have played a major role in ensuring our survival. My anecdotal evidence is and I have mentioned this before, I don't get a good nights sleep unless I am holding on to something (this is a structure I am talking about) I just thought it was a quirky thing I happened to do, I need a bed with vertical slats to hold onto. If there is nothing there I hold on to the edge of the mattress. It was only when I saw one of my sons doing the same thing at the age of 2 or 3 I decided to look into it further, it is not something he had learned it was passed on through the genes.
I came across an article by Carl Sagan where he suggested that those of us who have this habit of holding on to something while sleeping he believed it came from our distant ancestors while living in the trees.
On a holiday in Borneo I witnessed Orangutans building their nests high in the trees, they could not be filmed sleeping but a guy filmed the with a infra red camera and sure enough they were holding on to a branch with the arm that was beneath them. Carl Sagan went so far as to say that the falling dream is probably something to do with this.
I have asked my son if he still does this and like me cannot get a goodnights sleep without holding on. He is the only one who does this out of all my children. On the other hand he looks like me but takes after his mother, he is impetuous, and try as I might I can't teach him to slow down and think things through before acting.
The description holier than thou is just a metaphor, nothing to do with god who I don't have any time for. The way society has progressed where the word 'black' is being written out of the English language just doesn't seem right, Black book, accident black spot, black board, Black Bess, Dick Turpins horse reduced to being referred to as Bess! While a lot of this nonsense is offensive to a lot of people there are those who, just to feel good about themselves, will say Black is a racist jibe! Pink is homophobic! They are colours, there is no hidden agenda.
Here in Australia there are a lot of problems with Somalians, the news reader will say, 'youths of African appearance were seen running away from the scene' Black and White Minstrels were of African appearance, were the youths running away wearing candy striped jackets and white gloves singing, 'De Camptown Races'?
As for your friend the minister being, 'Cleverer than you'
We are all born the same, only a very small percentage choose to be murderers, racists, bigots and bullies the rest of us survive perfectly well without going down that road.
Going back to may racism post -
Football is a perfect example of people not being born racist but learning it later from others.
I wonder how many non racist but easily led football fans have found themselves in a huge group of knuckle dragging morons shouting abuse at a black player and have joined in as they are easily led.
What always amazes me is the same people hero worship their own black players, WTF is that all about.
A small percentage will murder, be bigots, racist, bully. Why? Because they haven't achieved the control a society expects.
Now where sadistic crimes and premeditated murder comes into it I wouldn't have a clue where that comes from but I am sure that there will be some psychiatric reason. Racism isn't always about colour, culture plays a bigger role. Or what is the difference of calling someone a B.... B...... or a F.. B......? Both are derogatory and meant to hurt.