My oh my what are these.

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Just waiting to wire them up and sort the pumps out then will be ordering some of vossys hose :)

nice one Ian....who helped you clean the garage out ?

Not just shiny stuff here but I see a silver ZX6R G1 possibly a G2 in the back ground..... Edit its not a 6 its a 9R from the same era the swing arm gives it away
damfoose said:
Not just shiny stuff here but I see a silver ZX6R G1 possibly a G2 in the back ground..... Edit its not a 6 its a 9R from the same era the swing arm gives it away

You was nearly right, its a ZX6R J1 600 :)
May be a stupid question but I'm new to AG, but what are the the transparent tubes for?
1st layer of insulation on the boiler.
Its carpet underlay that I had left over from doing the hall way. Lol

Going to wrap some silver bible wrap over it next :)
