My first kit

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Active Member
Jan 12, 2011
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I have just bought a starter kit from my local brew shop. As I have no experience of doing this before I asked how I should do things. Everything was explained to me such as hydrometers, sterilizing etc. In fact I tried to absorb too much information and when I was told how to make my first brew I don't know if I remembered all that was said correctly as it slightly contradicts the instructions on the label.
The kit I have bought is a 40 pint Woodforde's Great Eastern Ale.
The shop to my best recollection told me to put 3 kettles of boiling water into the bucket, pour in the malt then fill the bucket to about 20 lts with cold water. I can't remember whether I was told to then add the yeast and top up with warm (pre boiled) water or add the yeast later. The instructions on the box say once I have put in the hot water and malt I should top up to 40 lts with cold water. Does it matter which way I follow procedures?
My next querie is that I think I was told to leave at an ideal temperature of 24 degrees whilst it fermentation but the instructions say 18-20 degrees.
If anyone can please tell me if my results will vary according to which method I use?
I must again say that I could well have misunderstood what the shop said as I was taking too much information on board.
Please excuse me if this is a stupid question but this is my first attempt and I don't want to mess it up.
Thanks for pointing that out to me Moley. I am using my phone to access the forum and I sometimes miss things because of the small screen. I will have a good read when I get home from work and hopefully I'll start my first brew tonight.
Well, it's been going for about 30 hours now. I firstly started it off in the garage with a heater belt around it but at 11pm it didn't seem to be doing much so I transferred it upstairs and when I came to it this morning it looked good.
I went down to Wilkies and bought a thermometer and when I dipped it in, it was cooking at 28 degrees. I looked again a couple of hours ago and it was 29 degrees so I removed the heater belt. Will I have done any harm to the brew? Also, there's scum around the top of the liquid and on the lid of the barrel, am I correct in presuming this is normal? Should I stir this scum back into the mix or just leave it to do its thing?
I am going to buy a trial jar so I can test the gravity, do I take a sample from the tap or from the top?
it should be ok there bud
give it some time once it has finished and get another under way straight away
it is allways the last pint you pour that is the nicest
the longer you leave it to condition the better it will taste
Thanks for the help. Am I ok to take a sample from the tap at the bottom of the fermenter or do I need to take it from the top?