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Active Member
Apr 8, 2011
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Hi everyone,

I have been brewing the coopers aussie lager kit, has been in bottles for nearly 4 weeks now. I have tried it, nice beer but tastes more like a light ale? Is this due to the ale yeast supplied with the kit? It doesnt taste bad at all, just not very lagery. My question is can anyone suggest a true lager kit with lager yeast. I know of the coopers euro lager, but no more. Some experienced lager boys hopefully can help me? Also when i use true lager yeast do i need to keep the temps down to 15-17 Celsius? All your feed back will truly be appreciated .


yeah real lager is brewed at a really low temp, i think usually around fridge temps in some cases. it would be hard to replicate that with it heating up a bit now unless u have a spare fridge. u may be better trying a pilsener kit or something. ive brewed the coopers euro lager, its not bad but not worth waiting 3 months in the bottle for!
just buy a packet of lager yeast with your next coopers lager kit, i used w34/70 and it turned out great, only cost a couple of quid extra, w34/70 needs to be at 12*C or as close to it as you can get, i put mine out in the shed and got lucky, when ever i checked the thermometer it was always between 11 and 13, it did take a long time to ferment though, probably due to the low temps.
Coopers Pilsner also has a lager yeast supplied.

However, it's not too expensive to buy lager yeast, about £2, if you got a kti without the lager yeast.

I have the same issue with the Cooper Canadian Blonde kit i did a few months ago. It's drinkable, but tastes weird, like a beer lager mixture as you describe.
I too gave just brewed a lager with that yeast. I fermented at 12c for 2 weeks then racked to a second fv and put in fridge As cold I can get it around 2c. Will leave there for 3 or 4 weeks. Just not sure what temp I need to carbonate at once I've primed And bottled! Any advise? ;)
id move it somewhere warmer for a week or so when you bottle it then back to the fridge for as long as you can resist drinking it for, which in my case is never very long :mrgreen:
i short brewed mine 30 pints and its as dark as an ale too... :D

its 4 weeks in the bottle, tried a sample,
very strong, nice taste very continental.....and i need to do more... :party:
Thanks guys for your replies, think im going to start a new brew today maybe that coopers pilsner? My closest shop is in aldershot, i live in reading so quite a drive :cry: . Will let you know how i get on..

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