My First Brew Up - Coopers Mexican Cerveza

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Active Member
Feb 3, 2012
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Well, I popped down to Abertawe Homebrew this afternoon and picked up a fermenter, a heating belt and some other accessories. I had already got the Cerveza kit a week ago. Got home and sterilised all the equipment using baby bottle sterilisers. Then rinsed all the gear and let it drain.

Then realised I didn't have any kind of thermometer so I shot down to the local Fish Shop and picked up an adhesive LCD style thermometer.

Soooo, after finally getting everything I needed I read through the instructions a couple of times and started to boil two litres of water. Once warm I added 500g of dextrose and 500g of light spray malt. The recipe did recommend using Cooper's Brew Enhancer 2 at this stage, but I could not get any. Google recommended the above mix as an alternative, I then added the tin and left it to warm and dissolve.

While the mix was dissolving I filled the fermenter with just under 19 litres of tap water. In the mean time the malt had all dissolved and was hot. I then mixed the malt with the water and gave it a stir. The temperature on the fermenter went up to 24 degrees so before adding the yeast I took a hydrometer reading which i recorded at 1.032. I tend added the yeast and stirred it through. I then secured the lid and added an air lock.

So crossed fingers everything will go well, anyone else had any experience with this brew? any tips? here's how its looking after all of the above...

Looking good, I made it before , think my temps were not stable...can never work out if I like it or not. Bottled a few with a shot of lime, and a few with some lime and a shot of tequila...tried making a desperado.

Most of them came out quite flat, but I notice other people had this issue. I used 1tsp sugar per 500ml bottle. As I said I couldn't really work the flavour out, I think its due to temps being too high during fermentation.

This kits had quite a few good reviews, I will give it a go again in the future, but next time use a fermentation fridge. I'm sure you will enjoy the whole process and be rewarded with a nice refreshing drink at the end of it all :grin:
On the carbonation front I have the Cooper's tablet things. Do you remember roughly how long you waited before you bottled?
Now there's a question... In all honesty I cannot remember, I have been quite patient with my brews so I am guessing it was probably 6-8 weeks before bottling. Then 6 months to a year before drinking, it was one of my first ever kits and I didn't realise how improtant fermentation temps were .

I will have a look at my old phone to see if it still has the record on it, and get back to you
you need to give it about 10 days then take a hydrometer reading and then again the next day and if its constant bottle it , then after you've primed it keep warm for another 5 days then cold for at least 6 weeks but the longer the better it will get , next time maybe put 1.5kg spray dried malt and no sugar this will make it stronger while improving the fullness too , :)
Just had a look on the phone, everything got wiped when I moved over to my newer one. If I do ever happen to recover the information (sure I can as it was linked to a gmail account) I will let you know.

But follow the instructions that came with the kit /advice that pittys gave you and you shouldnt go far wrong, main thing is just be patient with it now and it should work out fine :thumb:

As for hydromter reading, does 1010 sound about right anyone? (had a few to drink tonight) :drunk:
Nearly finished drinking my Cerveza. Turned out really nice with a wedge of lime, just like a corona.
Started at 1.043 and finished at 1.008 giving me 4.6%.

Robo1984 said:
what should the hydrometer read roughly?
i would of thought poss 1008 final gravity giving you about 3% vol so if you do another brew you want it to start around 1045 ish(if too low just add more dry malt to increase) for around a 4.4% vol :thumb: p.s brew enchancer is just dried malt and sugar
Robo1984 said:
that looks like an awesome pint, did you use the brew enhancer?
No I just made it with plain White sugar. Left it for 4 weeks to mature in the Corny and it turned out very nice indeed. Going to get another on soon ready for the summer but use 1kg of light spray malt instead.
pittsy said:
Robo1984 said:
what should the hydrometer read roughly?
i would of thought poss 1008 final gravity giving you about 3% vol so if you do another brew you want it to start around 1045 ish(if too low just add more dry malt to increase) for around a 4.4% vol :thumb: p.s brew enchancer is just dried malt and sugar

dont really understand why my OG is low I used the 1.7kg of malt, 500g of dextrose and 500g of light spray malt. It is a tiny bit over 23 litres but not by much???
no , nor me really but like i said for other brews have spare dry malts at hand if all goes **** up just add more , sorted
well, checked on the brew this morning and it has a massive head on it and is bubbling along... temp has settled at 24 degrees with the heating belt so all is good hopefully.
Ive just ordered this kit so will start it off on tuesday, going to do it will 1kg glucose and not an enhancer. I just hope i dont get a flat batch at the end of it like some ppl have had.
Mines still bubbling along nicely, as its my first kit im a bit concern it isn't clearing that well, but will monitor and see how it goes...
First kit i did was a youngs lager and that didnt clear until it had been in the bottles for 2 weeks so i wouldnt worry to much.