My AG setup build

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Active Member
Dec 21, 2012
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Well first off I'm new to this forum so hello.

I have wanted to build an AG setup for some time but never really got round to it however reading the other build posts give me the push I needed to start building.

I do have some limitations. first off I live in a tiny flat with not much storage space so it had to be small when packed away. It also had to be tide as the other half would not be very happy if there was brewing equipment lying around the flat. Secondly and possibly most importantly it had to be as cheep as possible as I am currently students so we don't have to much disposable income.

unfortunately I didn't get any pictures of the actual build but hear gos anyway.


This is the equipment I had at the start of the build apart from the shelves which where £10 from Ikea


I used some insulation from B&Q to make to mash tun


Temp controllers


My DIY counterflow wort chiller. As you can see it not finished yet as I am still waiting for some parts I ordered of ebay


Read view of the setup


View of the almost complete setup


All packed away and with room to spare for some extra shiny things (Corny kegs? :thumb: )

and thats it for now just waiting for the last few bits then its brewing time (possibly a landlord clone).

Thanks for looking
Welcome to the forum, and what a great build.
Very neat and tidy and packs away beautifully, she has nothing to moan at.... :D

but she will...they all do....
Thank you very much for the replies. Sorry BrewDan I don't know what the final cost was as I had some of the bit and bobs from other projects. Plus I don't really want to work it out :?
so wots your first A/G brew going to be :D :thumb:

fifebrewer said:
Thank you very much for the replies. Sorry BrewDan I don't know what the final cost was as I had some of the bit and bobs from other projects. Plus I don't really want to work it out :?
tazuk said:
so wots your first A/G brew going to be :D :thumb:

fifebrewer said:
Thank you very much for the replies. Sorry BrewDan I don't know what the final cost was as I had some of the bit and bobs from other projects. Plus I don't really want to work it out :?

I think it might be the Timothy taylor landlord clone from graham wheelers book. just about to hit order on the ingredients :party:
its a tasty beer just about to bottle my 2nd brew in next couple of days
one slight improvement suggestion..... 4 little castors on the legs to assist in moving it around...
Looks great. Well done. Is that PID covered at the back? Lots of live wires back there. But great use of your limited space. :thumb: Welcome to the forum. :cheers:
I did think about putting castors on the bottom but it is so light when packed down I didn't think they where needed. Yes the wiring dose need some improvement as I say its not quite finished yet. I would like to get my hands on some sort of electrical junction box to house all the controls but the budget is empty at the moment :cry:
As above. Where abouts are you? there's a few of us from the Kingdom.

I'm from Kdy.
