My absence,my illness,my battle for life

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You can't win at the doctors - I'm either being told off for going with a niggle because it's trivial, or told off for ignoring a niggle which turns out to be serious.
Hope you have a good recovery.
You can't win at the doctors - I'm either being told off for going with a niggle because it's trivial, or told off for ignoring a niggle which turns out to be serious.
Hope you have a good recovery.

I'm 52 and having been reading up on the matter of late, I'm slowly but surely convincing myself that I have a problem with the ol' prostate gland. Do I pester the doc to investigate cos the media keeps telling us to, or wait until I'm in little doubt?
Glad to hear you're on the mend GD.

Gunge, go to your doc. Prostate cancer is the biggest killer of men in the UK. My Stepdad and Father-in-Law both have it. If caught early enough it is curable I believe.

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Sorry to hear, but glad you are out the other side and I wish you all the best.
I'm 52 and having been reading up on the matter of late, I'm slowly but surely convincing myself that I have a problem with the ol' prostate gland. Do I pester the doc to investigate cos the media keeps telling us to, or wait until I'm in little doubt?
Get to the Doc asap as at that time of life we are all Prime candidates.
I'm 47 and had really bad groin pains which started before Christmas and a swollen testicle and first thoughts were a tumor,but with a visit to the Doc and Urologist I had an ultrasound which showed it was only a hydrocele and had a small operation to have it corrected but still getting over it and feeling a lot better mentally and physically as it left me worrying months.

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You can't win at the doctors - I'm either being told off for going with a niggle because it's trivial, or told off for ignoring a niggle which turns out to be serious.
Hope you have a good recovery.
I once went to the doctors with a hearing problem... He said 'can you describe the symptoms'... I said 'Marge has blue hair and Homer drinks a lot'

Ok, I'll get my coat...

Sent from my Kitchen Tap Room
I’m fairly new to the forum but I absolutely sympathise. I guess from what you’re saying that your life will have to change in certain aspects but rather than focus on the things you may not be able to do so well, focus on all of the things you can do. Without knowing your interests, you can still enjoy family and friends, you can enjoy walking, travel, seeing new places, enjoying TV and radio, but most of all, enjoy breathing fresh air into your lungs and experiencing the exhilaration of being alive. Life is great, because to be honest, there’s not much to be said for being without it.

Good luck and always keep positive!
Sounds terrifying mate. Glad to hear you are back home and on the mend. All the best and fingers crossed it's all up from here.
Sounds traumatic mate , but glad you got through it and are back to brew another day hopefully.

Take Care


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I'm 52 and having been reading up on the matter of late, I'm slowly but surely convincing myself that I have a problem with the ol' prostate gland. Do I pester the doc to investigate cos the media keeps telling us to, or wait until I'm in little doubt?

Go to the doctors. It's probably just prostatitis - inflamation of the prostate. They'll give you antibiotics which will help. There's just the minor indignity of having someone shove their finger up your ****...
Had it myself and it still comes and goes. Had to stop cycling because of it.
I'm 52 and having been reading up on the matter of late, I'm slowly but surely convincing myself that I have a problem with the ol' prostate gland. Do I pester the doc to investigate cos the media keeps telling us to, or wait until I'm in little doubt?

'Ow do!
Gerroff t' t'quack! A finger up the jacksie is a small price to pay for peace of mind.

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