Muntons IPA

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Active Member
Sep 18, 2010
Reaction score
Nr Wrexham
Well, I've got my first brew going. A Muntons IPA Kit. Am about 24 hours in and it's bubbling away nicely through the airlock.

I've decided to throw caution to the wind and have a really quick turnaround onto my second brew so will be looking to get another kit on the go as soon as the fermenting bin becomes free again.

I've got a thing for Porters and Dark Beers so has anyone any recommendations for kits along these lines, and is it true that these styles of beers will take longer conditioning to turn out right?

Well the worlds my lobster and there's a whole plethora of beers to brew.... Happy days!
Well, have just bottled my IPA and all I can say is that I had a siphoning disaster, probably ended up with about a pints worth on the floor of the shed. To make matters worse the shed doubles up as my missus's home office so I'm not in her good books at the moment.

Got to chuckle though, I've been mopping up the floor with lemon scented disinfected, smells like one great big pint of shandy in there at the moment.