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May 19, 2009
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Corby. Northants
Evening all.

im going to stat AG brewing. kits are good but cant produce the beer that i like. Any advice or links to how i go about it would br very appreciated.

Thanks in advance
DS :cheers:
start with something simple like a styrian stunner
4 kg of maris
50g styrian full boil 90 mins (4%aa)
25g 15 mins to go
25g after heat off

whirlflock tablet 15 mins to go

use saf us 05 or Nottingham yeast

really great beer can use bobeck, aurora or goldings instead of styrians have use a few hops with this basic grain brew.

A good beer to get to know your equipment.

just leap in it is hard to go wrong and beer wants to be made
hiya all.

im a bit :? now, just been reading up on AG and iv'e read that you need a boiler and a mash thingy. the mash thingy that i brought as the heating element and the tap on the side. can i use this, with the grain bag that i brought or do i need a boiler as well. sorry if this soundS a stupid question but i am a newbie to the dark side. :oops: so still a bit green round the gills.
:hmm: I think with those you put the grains in a bag and mash that way I can't help you with that as I have never used that method I use a boiler and one of these but i'm sure someone will be able to help you :thumb:
I think that you mash, remove the grain with the bag and boil :hmm:
thanks for that wez. here goes my next question, after ive done the grain do i add the hops straight into the bin for the required time and then drain the contents of the bin into my FV.
sorry to be a pain.

You're not a pain :thumb:

You don't want to be boiling grains :nono:

You steep the grains at say 64c for 90 mins then i'd imagine you have to lift the grain bag slightly to let the mash liquor drain out if it - you then need to rinse the grains by pouring water over them (75c) this is called sparging - then when you have collected your pre boil volume you take the grains out totally & bring it to the boil - when it starts to boil thats when the first hops go in. It's similar to BIAB Brew In A Bag - I think one of the lads from AHB put a post on - I'll try & find it...
My first brews many moons ago were made using a boiler/mash tun like those using a grain bag :thumb:
This is how I would do it.
Get another 25L brewbin and fit a tap to it. Secure your grain bag inside it, this will be your mash tun.
Heat your de chlorinated tap water to about 77C. Work out how much mash water you require at a ratio of 2.5l/kg i.e 4kg of grain 10 litres of water and add this to your mash tun. Place this on a table or similar.
Wait until the temperature of the water in your mash tun has dropped to 73C and slowly stir in your pre weighed grain to create your mash. Fit the lid and wrap it in a sleeping bag, duvet, tank insulation, blankets coats or anything to give insulation. Leave for 90 minutes.
Meanwhile heat your sparge water in you boiler. I would recommend a batch sparge for your first brew, use this CALCULATOR to work out what you need.
Sparge into another fermenter to collect the sweet wort, once your boiler is empty fit your hop strainer add your hops and sweet wort and boil for the recommended time.
Strain cool and ferment :thumb:
The choice is yours, the hops wont damage the element, but you would need a hop strainer as they will clog the tap. Some people boil there hops in bags :thumb:
thanks again TS :thumb:
On this brew im going to use a hop bag. i got one of those at the weekend. And next time i go to MATCHLESS ill get my self a hop strainer.
Depends what you want it for, that's designed for a fish tank and only measures up to 70°C.

I use something similar with the (sanitised) sensor hanging in my FV.

For mashing and checking your boiler temperature you need something like this.