Moving on from kits - advice for single hop beer

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Active Member
Jun 23, 2009
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I've brewed a couple of kits which turned out OK, but with a bit of a taste that I'm putting down to that homebrew tang. I'd like to move on to an extract brew or two. Since I don't have much space, have no large boiling vessels and can't brew very regularly, I'm considering doing a couple of 5 litre brews in plastic water bottles. Last year I simultaneously did 5L of cider and ginger beer like this.

Ideally I'd only buy one hop variety as I don't want them sitting around in a freezer for ages until I get a chance to use them again. I would be interested in trying a couple of different beers at the same time, and may get 5L of ginger beer on the go as well.

I'd be able to boil 5L in one go, but more than that would be pushing it somewhat.

I currently have some dark spray malt. I would be happy to use other malts via a steeping method.

I like all styles of ale, with a current preference for darker styles such as stouts & porters.

Might anyone have a suggestion for single-hop recipes that might be suitable?

Thanks in advance
I do single hop boils in a pot about 6 or 7 litres. Only the hops get boiled up in that, and maybe if I am feeling enthusiastic, the extract and any sugars that are being added. That works well for me, and gives you a chance to try out some single hop brews to get a feel for what each variety brings.

After boiling, it gets tipped in the kirn through a strainer and made up with cold water, much like you would a kit. Works for me, but probably not approved by the afficiandos! Makes damned good brew though! May not work so well if you like it heavy on the hops. But since the extract brews I have been making are pretty light on the hops (presently down to 3/4 oz boiling, 1/4 oz finishing - May go less yet!) the reduced amount of water seems to work.
Good to see that you are advancing your brewing :thumb:

You will have to boil all your extract and you should treat will Irish moss or profolac 10minutes from the end and cool with a chiller. This will secure the hot break and get rid of all the unwanted proteins which would cloud the beer otherwise.
graysalchemy said:
and cool with a chiller. This will secure the hot break and get rid of all the unwanted proteins which would cloud the beer otherwise.

No chiller unfortunately, so a sink full of cold water and ice packs will have to do!

I am aware that I could do my boil in a reduced volume, and dilute afterwards - are there any recommended calculators for reduced hop utilisation efficiency if I do this?

I don't want to seem stupid (prety sure im going to though) but whats the difference between kits and extract?

Andyhull said:
I don't want to seem stupid (prety sure im going to though) but whats the difference between kits and extract?

Kits = all ingredients (+/- additional sugar) in the tins, add water, add yeast

Extract = malt extract + additional malts + hops, boil, chill, add yeast

I'm hoping that using dried malt extract and other fresh ingredients will remove a slight tang I've noticed in the two kit brews that I've done.

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