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New Member
Jan 20, 2011
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i'm eeyore, i'm sort of new to brewing, i've done a few kits over the last few years but want to get more in to it.
I was looking to doing all grain brew but at its a bit £££ I'm looking to get started with brewing via the brew in a bag method at its a bit cheaper. :lol:
orgot to mention stuff i've done in the past:
Various coopers kits (found these to be better for me)
Wine kits, quite nice... the g/f quaffed the lot!
Elderflower champers.. very nice sort of traditional lemonaid type flaver but with elder flower. It went very quickly... half of it destroyed the gf's kitchen :cry:
Nice to meet you eeyore.

After a few years of kits and extract, my first forays into the AG world were 'brew in the bag'. It's not a bad way to get started and you can buy your equipment as you go along, so to speak!

BITB has changed a lot over the years, when I did it first I thought I had invented it ;)

I'm just trying to sort a 20L ish stockport. I went to a cash n carry near me but they only went down to 36L :(

Got a few more supplyers to check... I want one now so I can brew tomorrow! :rofl:
36 ltr would be ideal for 23 ltr brews then you have the room for extra wort and less chance of boilover
Oh by the way welcome to the forum :cheers:
eeyore said:

I'm just trying to sort a 20L ish stockport. I went to a cash n carry near me but they only went down to 36L :(

Got a few more supplyers to check... I want one now so I can brew tomorrow! :rofl:

What price was the 36lt pot?? the other Q is where's the C & C ??
the 36 was around £40ish IIRC
It would fit on my stove but its a little too big. My plan is if i like brewing i'll upgrade to an outside burned and a gas can :P

Its a chinese supermarket/c&c in manchester.
(reminds me to update my location!) :party:
Pooh: he's still a freeloading anoying ****
Pigglet: very close to becoming on the menu at my next bbq
Tigger: he's now the rug in my front room, now i can bounce on him all i want

eeyore said:
Pooh: he's still a freeloading anoying ****
Pigglet: very close to becoming on the menu at my next bbq
Tigger: he's now the rug in my front room, now i can bounce on him all i want
You do realise you've just destroyed my childhood! :shock: :D

What about that annoying little sod, Chris? :whistle:
He got evicted from the wood.
He got busted by mole, the guy was peddeling meth and heroin. He roped kanga in to prostitution while he molested roo.

Not a nice guy.

eeyore said:
the 36 was around £40ish IIRC
It would fit on my stove but its a little too big. My plan is if i like brewing i'll upgrade to an outside burned and a gas can :P

Its a chinese supermarket/c&c in manchester
(reminds me to update my location!) :party:

seriously, if you can fit a couple of cheap elemnts from tesco kettles into a plastic fermentation bucket you can do all grain brewing very cheaply. :thumb: no need to pay £40 for a pot when that would pay for your makeshift boiler and mash tun.

then every time you brew you are recouping those costs too :thumb:

extract brewing you still need an fv and all the other bits. All you need extra for full all grain is a boiler and mash tun and cheaper ingredients. I encourage you to look into it a bit further.
hi and welcome.. I concur with the ag route... cost me about £40 or £50 to makethe boiler and tun