Ok for your interest I have been goggling about this and found a letter from Milton to a home brewer who asked is it ok for beer making.
It seems rinsing is recommended by Milton, so I'll continue with my boiling water rinse.
Thank you for your email regarding Milton, I apologise for the delay in
responding to your enquiry.
I have checked with the manufacturer and can confirm that Milton tablets
and solutions can be used to sterilise home brew equipment.
The recommended dilution is 30ml of Milton (liquid) - 5l cold water,
leave it for 30 minutes and then rinse out.
Please note that Milton should not be used on metals on a regular basis
as it can corrode metal.
I hope that this answers your question. However, should have any further
queries, please do not hesitate to contact customer services on 0844 243
Kind Regards
Lindsay Sturt
Lindsay Sturt l Customer Service Advisor l Ceuta Healthcare Ltd