Masterpint czech pilsener, anyone?

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Mar 21, 2014
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As title guys, anyone tried this kit, cant find it in reviews section.
Looking to brew a lager just in case we get some sunshine at some point:laugh8:
I have it cold crashing as we speak, should be racking it later this week. I swapped the yeast it shipped with for Mangrove Jack's M84 and I'm using the "Quick Lagering" method to brew it. I'll report back once I know how it has turned out.
I have it cold crashing as we speak, should be racking it later this week. I swapped the yeast it shipped with for Mangrove Jack's M84 and I'm using the "Quick Lagering" method to brew it. I'll report back once I know how it has turned out.
Ok thanks m8.
Does the kit come with ale yeast then? Is that a lager yeast the MJ?
Yes it comes with 10g of "Beer Yeast" and going by the destructions for fermentation temperature it would have been an Ale Yeast, I had a spare packet of MJ 84 left over from a previous Lager, which is mainly why I decided to use it instead, M84 is titled as a Bohemian Lager Yeast and described as A bottom-fermenting lager strain suitable for European lager and pilsner style beers. This yeast will produce soft, delicate and balanced beers with a dry and clean palate.
Had a little sample last night and it's spot on, tastes just as I would expect it to, very clear, carbonated well and is refreshing, the only negative part is head retention but for a kit that costs less than a tenner it's a winner.

Had a little sample last night and it's spot on, tastes just as I would expect it to, very clear, carbonated well and is refreshing, the only negative part is head retention but for a kit that costs less than a tenner it's a winner.

Looking good, does it taste like a lager?
Looking good, does it taste like a lager?

It tastes remarkable like Urquell Lager which is good. Slightly darker than a traditional German lager, but still very clean, light and crisp in taste with an ever so slight caramel finish, which I believe it should have for a traditional Czech Pilsner. A couple more days conditioning in the fridge seems to have fixed the head retention as well, had a couple of last night and the head stayed all the way to the bottom with some nice lacing, I'm definitely making this again.

Just for information I made this with 500g of Dextrose + 1Kg of LSM (Hopped) and MJ84 Yeast - brewed 23L using the Quick Lager Method and it was very much drinkable after just over 4 weeks from start to finish.