Finally bottled the GW hop back summer lightning clone. Tasted fine, if a little thin. Had 3 weeks in the FV in the end. Might make a nice summer quencher.
Oh, and I hate bottling still. Lol.
Oh, and I hate bottling still. Lol.
Don't you just love the word lovibond! Sounds like a thespian investment portfolio!
My plan today/tomorrow! What yeast did you use? The yeast as advised or an alternative?Today, I'm doing a Ron Pattinson beer form The Home Brewers Guide to Vintage Beer, 1864 Lovibond XB.
I made a couple of errors with this recipe. The first is that I'm relatively new to all grain brewing, and still don't trust my efficiency, which is usually (always) higher than Ron assumes in his book, so I got an OG of 1056. I really need to have the confidence to dial the grain bill down a bit when I am doing other people's recipes so as to try had get a similar OG.
My second mistake was the yeast. I don't use liquid yeasts (yet) so plumped for 2 packets of Nottingham, pitched at 15 degrees and allowed to rise to 17 where it was held for fermentation. It still massively over attenuated; I got a FG of 1006! Should have used a different yeast.
The good news is it tastes great, although not conditioned yet. It will be packaged into a King Keg this week.
I got an OG of 1059 so might be that our methods are more efficient. As it's over 23º now, only yeast I trust is S04. Hopefully next year I'll have a set of Kveiks as fallback.
I found that his hops were on the mild side, not 5.5% as I had. So I reconfigured his early hops to give the IBUs, and kept the last hop gift to scale to meet the original recipe.
Wyeast 1098 British Ale—dry or Wyeast 1099 Whitbread Ale. I thought of Notty too but I'd rather spend it on a brew when the temperatures are more moderate.You need to remember notty attenuates to about 80% (thats what Ive found with it). I imagine for old beers of yore, the yeast would have what we would consider under attenuated rather than over. What yeast are recommended with this reciepe?
Wyeast 1098 British Ale—dry or Wyeast 1099 Whitbread Ale. I thought of Notty too but I'd rather spend it on a brew when the temperatures are more moderate.
No-chilling here too, I expect the wort to be around 25º in the morning. If I'm lucky.
I was on an ale series (Greg Hughes) with CML but I'll finish the series in September.