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Jul 28, 2008
Reaction score
Manchester.....scorchio !
This is a firm favourite in the V1 brewery and it comes from Marc Ollossons book, Real Ales for the home brewer.
I have changed the recipe slightly to include some wheat malt to aid head retention, and reduced the boil time from 2 hours to 90 here goes.

Targets, 60 ltr brew length, OG 1.040, FG 1.009, ABV 4%, IBU 38

In the tun, mash at 65 deg c for 90 mins, 74% efficiency assumed.

10.1kg Maris Otter (90.2%)
0.56kg Crystal Malt (4.99%)
0.56kg Wheat malt (4.99%
12.67g Calcium Chloride
1.2g Magnesium Sulphate
10.3g Calcium Sulphate

In the copper, 90 min boil

337g Styrian Goldings (2.65%AA) 90 mins, 26% utilization assumed.
12.5g Calcium chloride
1.2g Magnesium Sulphate
10g Calcium Sulphate

1 Whirlfloc tablet last 10 minutes

68g Styrian Goldings steeped at 80 deg c

Fermenting with S04, 3 x 12g packs
The mineral additions mean nothing to me, but looks nice otherwise!
Where's the piccies!

Your wish is my command :D


1st and 2nd batch recirc. Look how much lighter the 2nd is (right)


1st runnings into the you see you dont :D


Mash high and dry and the airstone air pump worked :party: , 56ltr fill and the foam is almost out of the fv


Spoke too soon :roll: ........Good cold break


Hit target spot on :cool: All tucked up now waiting for the S04 to kick off :cool:
Sounds interesting..and a good way to use up some Bobek hops I have lying around...I know they're not Styrians but should work out similar.

I'm gonna rip off your and Marc Olloson's brew this week-end...after I fit my watch-hill PT100s

cheers Vossy ;)
This beer was glugging away by 9pm last night....6 hour lag with dried S04....I can cope with that.
The temp was climbing up last night so I opened the door to the fv cupboard and now it's holding steady 19.3 deg c.
On my last brew I kept it at 18 deg c and I'm not too sure S04 yeast likes it that cold.
This ale was down to 1.010 on the 23rd so I dropped the fv temp to 5 deg c and I'll be racking it to corny with IG tomorrow, when I'm sure it'll be target 1.009 :cheers:

It tastes great already :drink:
Vossy1 said:
This ale was down to 1.010 on the 23rd so I dropped the fv temp to 5 deg c and I'll be racking it to corny with IG tomorrow, when I'm sure it'll be target 1.009 :cheers:

It tastes great already :drink:
Are you putting a straw into the fermenter again? :lol:
Vossy1 said:
This ale was down to 1.010 on the 23rd so I dropped the fv temp to 5 deg c and I'll be racking it to corny with IG tomorrow, when I'm sure it'll be target 1.009 :cheers:

It tastes great already :drink:

Are you putting IG directly into the cornie there V or into the FV then cornie :?:
Vossy1 said:
Are you putting IG directly into the cornie there V or into the FV then cornie

IG directly into corny and then rack the beer on top through the 'out' a treat :cool:

But you're pulling from the bottom and would expect to get the sediment :wha: