Hi , i am looking to brew an all grain recipe similar to a bitter and twisted clone i do which in my opinion is pretty good , but i want to brew a very low alcohol version for my wife who is preganant with our second :pray: all going well ,
So we can both enjoy our nights in without her feeling annoyed because i have my head in the trough so to speak :drink:, has anyone tried anything like this
I seen in some places where you could brew a low alcohol beer 1.030 and then heat after ferment'n at around 80". I would be force carbing anyway i dont need to add priming sugars or yeast for bottliing ,.Has anyone tried this . Is there anyway of knowing how much alcohol would be evaporated off etc. Iw ould like to get it somewhere around 1-1.5 % at least then she could enjoy 4-5 pints without worrying about any effects on the bump
So we can both enjoy our nights in without her feeling annoyed because i have my head in the trough so to speak :drink:, has anyone tried anything like this
I seen in some places where you could brew a low alcohol beer 1.030 and then heat after ferment'n at around 80". I would be force carbing anyway i dont need to add priming sugars or yeast for bottliing ,.Has anyone tried this . Is there anyway of knowing how much alcohol would be evaporated off etc. Iw ould like to get it somewhere around 1-1.5 % at least then she could enjoy 4-5 pints without worrying about any effects on the bump