Low alcohol beer

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Active Member
Mar 31, 2010
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Hi , i am looking to brew an all grain recipe similar to a bitter and twisted clone i do which in my opinion is pretty good , but i want to brew a very low alcohol version for my wife who is preganant with our second :pray: all going well ,
So we can both enjoy our nights in without her feeling annoyed because i have my head in the trough so to speak :drink:, has anyone tried anything like this
I seen in some places where you could brew a low alcohol beer 1.030 and then heat after ferment'n at around 80". I would be force carbing anyway i dont need to add priming sugars or yeast for bottliing ,.Has anyone tried this . Is there anyway of knowing how much alcohol would be evaporated off etc. Iw ould like to get it somewhere around 1-1.5 % at least then she could enjoy 4-5 pints without worrying about any effects on the bump
I think if you heated the beer up after fermentation to such high temperatures, then you would ruin it.

You could freeze the beer, like a reverse Brewdog....you want the low alcohol bit, not the bit that they bottle as Tactical Nuclear Penguin :lol:

You could also do a party-gyle brew......sparge to collect two volumes of wort, one very high in gravity and one very low in gravity. You'd have to boil and hop these seperately though.

Not sure if any of that will help you though.
Hi might try the parti gyle suggestion , dont fancy the messing with feezing etc. i think you would lose alot of the color and flavour that way. Suppose i will brew a light mash and add water to topup and then boil with the hops for flavor
Thanks for the tip How would one keep the body in the beer ?suppose mash at 68?
why bother buggering about,just buy a case of cobra zero, no alcohol in it at all and it tastes alright for a beer with no alcohol in it.

I have a bottle with my dinner every weds,as they give it out as part of a curry deal.

& if your freezing you are never sure if you get all the alcohol out, preggers and drink don't mix well in my mind.
