Hi, when i started out, i made a few of Love Brewing's kits.
Mostly they were hit and miss, nothing fantastic in all honesty.
The last "beer" i made from them was a Saisson, which unfortunately came with a British Ale yeast pack, which i thought may be an error.
Brewed it and it was drinkable and ok.
The last kit i brewed was a "cider", which again was one of LoveBrewing's own kits.
Again, when first brewed, it was just ok, with a slight off taste.
The cider was bottled and stored in the back of the garage and forgotten about until the end of may (around 10 months), when i was going to get rid. Tried it and it had matured to be very nice in all fairness.
I have purchased a few things from Love Brewing and have yet to have any issues with customer service, supply or delivery.