Long time view first time poster. Jk

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Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2011
Reaction score
Southern Michigan
I just started homebrewing. I'm on my 3rd batch and loving it. I joined so I have a place to turn if and when something goes wrong. Or right. I have a blueberry pils conditioning right now and a oatmeal stout about ready to go to bottles.
Thanks. Can't wait for my stout to finish. I love Samuel Smith's oatmeal stout and thats what I'm aiming for. I added mollasses and some extra oats to make it more chewy. Og was 1.072 so it deff should be chewy.
Thats a big damn pond. :rofl: I've looked at a few other forums and they didn't seam nearly as helpful. I'm still a partial Mash brewer but I plan on make the AG switch fairly soon. So I've been scoping alot of the builds on the the site. Thanks for all the welcome
Welcome darkbrewer. Nice to see a fellow Yank from time to time, especially one from the Midwest! :thumb:

This is a great forum where folks don't get so stuck on all the details like some of the US forums tend to do.

Happy brewing,
