My dad was from Antrim, researching my family history I came to have some understanding of how complicated and entwined the issues and problems are. He always said learn from history but don’t get trapped by it, and thought the only way to move forward was to mix the schools, it would take a good few years but this would break the sectarian mindset on both “sides” over time, kids given a chance are often wiser than adults!
I have to back out of the NI discussion and wish I was seventeen years old again!
That was when I had all the answers to all of the questions, whereas now I hardly know any of the answers and definitely don’t know many of the questions.
I once told a friend from NI that I was a “Republican” meaning that I would like to see England move from being Royalist (where I am a Subject) to being a Republic (where I would be a Citizen).
The temperature in the room fell about 20*C as I was accused of supporting the IRA (which was involved in a violent bombing campaign at the time); and my explanation of the word Republican fell on deaf ears.
I bow out with the hope that I haven’t offended anybody!
.I had a similar experience to Dutto's when I was a young lad working on the buildings in the late 70's, I was in the site canteen telling my mates I was pro republican suddenly there was almighty shouting coming from the back of the canteen where the groundworkers were sat thier gangerman who had a fearsome reputation and was known as the Bull came stomping towards bellowing something about the I.R.A., that was all about I could understand. I just sat there frozen in sheer dread of what was about to happen to me in fact the only bit of me moving was my bowels luckily It got sorted & lived to see another day
Todays poll -
The local elections went badly for the Tories but i doubt Boris will be overly concerned when he sees this i thought the gap would be wider.