Check out the penalties in case you do fall foul. Do they include confiscation of your equipment, for example? There's always some jobsworth ready to dob you in.
The situation in France is much more sensible. This is from
La législation française concernant le brassage amateur est totalement absente des textes officiels.
On trouve ça et là quelques informations indirectes, mais il n'existe à ce jour aucun texte désignant directement la production de bière en amateur, par un particulier, pour sa consommation personnelle et celle de ses proches.
My own research would suggest that this is indeed the case as i haven't been able to find any legislation whatever apart from article 6 of European Directive 92/83/CEE. Selling the stuff, however, is an entirely different matter.
My point is that what can't it be the same for all European states? (Not that it matters much in view of Brexit).