Nice going. Looks like a good recipe.
Mine was based on the Greg Hughes recipe. I did think of adding 500g of oats but was worried about them going stale when oxygen is added at bottling time.
Looks good, the Oatmeal stout recipes I all look at vary massively, Greg Hughes is similar to yours with about 250 oats and choc (although I think he has a lot less roasted)
and some I see have like 800 grams of oats in 500 crystal 300 chocolate and 150 roasted.. Its like one extreme or the other!
@hoddy would you think in the region of maybe not 800 grams but a high amount of oats like that is not outragous and viable?
Sorry Mate not sure I follow, what do you mean by that? Why would more in the mash oats make the stout go stale (or riskier to go stale)?
In gregs book he says be careful not to splash/add oxygen at bottling time because there is a risk of the oats makin the beer stale. Thought if I had more oats there was more chance of this happening