Leon103's brew days

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It will be bland for my tastes, hence why I went for a half brew. Will be ok if I have the odd bottle and bring it out for lager drinkers
Finally bottled this today after a few days sat at 2.5c

Got 21 bottles after trub lose and a slight issue with my new siphon tube.

It stayed at 1.010 since the original reading so should be about 4%, the trial jar tasted quite refreshing especially being so cold. Primed at 7g per litre.

I had hoped to get my oatmeal stout on by the end of the week but it doesn't look like it will come off. My thoughts are to do it a week Saturday but the wife is working and I have the little one. He does sleep for 3 hours during the day so I could work my brew around it, somehow????
Finally bottled this today after a few days sat at 2.5c

Got 21 bottles after trub lose and a slight issue with my new siphon tube.

It stayed at 1.010 since the original reading so should be about 4%, the trial jar tasted quite refreshing especially being so cold. Primed at 7g per litre.

I had hoped to get my oatmeal stout on by the end of the week but it doesn't look like it will come off. My thoughts are to do it a week Saturday but the wife is working and I have the little one. He does sleep for 3 hours during the day so I could work my brew around it, somehow????

That's sounds familiar to me. A fellow brewer trying to plan brews around little ones.

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It's bloody hard work, especially when at weekends I like to fit in a longish cycle. I was thinking of washing my boiler and heating some water whilst he is awake and then the minute I put him down get the mash on and take it from there, or I could get everything washed whilst he sleeps. Even heat some water and do the brew when the wife is gone but I am not sure what time that would be.
I must admit doing AG with kids can be tricky let alone a baby..

On sunday as SWMBO was going out I cooked their dinner while mash water was heating and bathed them during the mash, when they are a bit older they will entertain themselves more..

You just know they will wake as you're trying to sparge or remove grains or something
It's bloody hard work, especially when at weekends I like to fit in a longish cycle. I was thinking of washing my boiler and heating some water whilst he is awake and then the minute I put him down get the mash on and take it from there, or I could get everything washed whilst he sleeps. Even heat some water and do the brew when the wife is gone but I am not sure what time that would be.

My wife had a night out a few weeks ago so I did a brew around putting kids (a 2 and a half year old and a 1 year old) to bed. I heated my mash water while they had their tea, put the mash on during bath and bed then saw to everything else once they were in bed. It worked out quite well and the whole brew day took 4 hours start to finish.
I thought I was done with kid making, oldest is now entering college, American talk for Uni, but my new wife is talking about piter pater of little feet! Reading this thread makes me wonder how I'll pull it off!? I do love kids!
Keep it in your pants. Before kids I had so much time, although I wasn't brewing much - kits. I was out on the bike so much and enjoying my time so much more. But god kids make your heart melt and your face smile.
And your wallet ache.

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Yep. Ex does that well, even after child support, she makes my kids hit me up for their clothes needs. Thought that was part of the child support!? Don't get me wrong, I get them what they need. The younger one thinks she can use her iPhone to do everything she wants. She can hit 250 pounds a month in data fees!
But denying my new wife a kid she wants and age is making her push me hard, seems cruel to her.
Yep. Ex does that well, even after child support, she makes my kids hit me up for their clothes needs. Thought that was part of the child support!? Don't get me wrong, I get them what they need. The younger one thinks she can use her iPhone to do everything she wants. She can hit 250 pounds a month in data fees!
But denying my new wife a kid she wants and age is making her push me hard, seems cruel to her.

You have my sympathies. I would probably do as you will, given the same situation.

Good luck, and hang on in there, JB :thumb:
Going to get this on once I get my arse from in front of the football.

Any thoughts?

Not sure to up the oats and/or barley?

Going to get this on once I get my arse from in front of the football.

Any thoughts?

Not sure to up the oats and/or barley?

It's a massive yes from me on the oats front. I love what they do to a beer and I think you almost can't over do them in a stout/porter.

However watch out on the amount of chocolate malt in combo with the roasted barley. Not knowing if this has come from another recipe you've made. But you might run the risk of it being a bit too roasty. #justsaying

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It's a massive yes from me on the oats front. I love what they do to a beer and I think you almost can't over do them in a stout/porter.

However watch out on the amount of chocolate malt in combo with the roasted barley. Not knowing if this has come from another recipe you've made. But you might run the risk of it being a bit too roasty. #justsaying

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Thanks but slightly too late, mash is on. Only difference to above is I put 250g of crystal by mistake. It was from another recipe but I added a little bit of extra choc and roasted barley to round it up. Only 250g of oats I am afraid.
A very nice brew day, even if it was rather messy - when I finished mashing I went to remove the sleeping bag from under the boiler/tun and on doing so I knocked the tap on so I had hot wort everywhere, must have lost nearly 2l.

Luckily I have loads of hot water in my HLT just incase. All went well. I did add 40g of Challenger to the start of the boil and only 10 to the end but upped the EKG at flame out to 25g. Why do I always mess with recipes??

Some positives were it took a matter of minutes to get to and beyond my mash temp, I am not sure how it was so quick, even had to add some cold.

Negative was it took an age to get a rolling boil, I am not sure it was the cold gale force winds that came around the side of the house and over the boiler or because I had loads in the boiler. For those who follow this thread will know the markings on my peco boiler are wrong so to counteract that I had (peco markings) about 30l at boil. Lost 2l during the boil but ended up somewhere between 23-24l in the fermenter.

It ended up at 1.046 which is bang on with the slightly extra crystal, plus I was a little over on volume.

The taster jar tasted lovely, if not a little sweet but that could have been the Wheat beer I have been tasting. This will go in 2 mini kegs with nitrous Oxide and the rest bottles.






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