Large rubber stopper needed - please help!

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New Member
Jul 2, 2013
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Hi folks,

I've inherited a large glass carboy with a 3 inch opening at the top. Trouble is, I can't seem to source a drilled stopper to fit that won't break the bank!

Any suggestions?

Would hate not to be able to use it.

Hi, try stretching a balloon over the neck or a large(ish) poly bag with an elastic band round the neck of the fermenter.
You could do this while saving for a proper bung (or just be a tight git like me and use the ideas above)!
How big is it? Have you considered the weight when full, and moving said carboy? Many of these large glass carboys were imported to make mini tropical gardens rather than for brewing. Plastic is less breakable.
It's about the same size as my 5 galon fv.
It's been sitting in a cow shed on the Scottish island of Coll for the past umpteen years so was probably used for milking in the past?
wezil said:
Hi, try stretching a balloon over the neck or a large(ish) poly bag with an elastic band round the neck of the fermenter.
You could do this while saving for a proper bung (or just be a tight git like me and use the ideas above)!

One of the CraigTube videos I watched suggested using a condom. I guess more room to stretch, a better seal and (you'd hope!) stronger than a balloon.
Why stop there......might see if my missus has a spare cervical cap....

You might be able to get a 3 inch cork stopper which Tea, Sugar and Coffee storage pots usually have.