Large bore syphon

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Ken L

Jul 15, 2010
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I'm getting tired of waiting an age for five gallon batches of wine to go through a standard syphon setup when doing basic racking.
Does anyone know of a supplier of larger bore PVC tubing with the matching stiff tube and the bit at the end that stops it sucking up the yeast?
Racking a 5 gallon kit of cider took ages the other day, so I'm looking at getting a bigger bore one as well. sell them, however, I don't know if they are cheaper elsewhere or not.
I use a large bore syphon for water changes on an aquarium.. the same thing should work with brews. Get a length of 15mm plastic water pipe the length you want for the rigid section, and match it with clear silicone tube to a push-fit over the end (you might need to heat it with a hair drier). You can get both from Been'n'Queued and the like.
Take all but the last three inch's of with a hose as big as you can find. Use it open ended. Then use the one you been using to leave the trash behind. You can also use both an open ended large bore and your standard rack tube at the same time to really get them done quick. Mike
I have a small piece of 15mm coper pipe about 3" long and attached to this is a length of appropriate clear pvc from B&Q.The copper end goes in the wine and acts as a weight, as long as you position it off the sediment then you empty 5 gallons in no time. :thumb:
Ken L said:
Does anyone know of a supplier of larger bore PVC tubing with the matching stiff tube and the bit at the end that stops it sucking up the yeast?
Don't know about a racking cane or sediment trap, I'm sure you could contrive something from the ideas already given, but most aquatics centres should have a range of different sized tubing to choose from.

I got some from Forty Fathoms, between the hospital and Brinton's park.
Moley said:
Ken L said:
Does anyone know of a supplier of larger bore PVC tubing with the matching stiff tube and the bit at the end that stops it sucking up the yeast?
Don't know about a racking cane or sediment trap, I'm sure you could contrive something from the ideas already given

You can contrive a sediment trap with an empty 35mm film cannister (drill the cap for a pushfit to the rigid pipe, drill holes in the sides for the liquid). If you're not still shooting film (and why not? ;)) you could always ask in Jessops/Boots as I'm sure they'll have plenty spare.
Some interesting replies. Thanks gents.
Moley, that's the second time I've been referred to 40 fathoms. First time was when I popped into the hardware shop in town that I used to get my PVC pipe from (much cheaper than the HBS) but they said they no longer stock it and referred me to 40 fathoms.
I'll pop up when i get a chance - probably after Christmas now.
Rwilts said:
I bought a jiggle syphon after seeing Craig use on on YouTube. Only used it once so far for racking 30 bottle wine kit to secondery :cheers:
Rwilts where did you get your jiggle syphon from, I've been looking for one for ages.