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Stew, don't forget the original intent of your post,
If you brew a Kolsch or a bohemien pilsener you will have two really good beers which you would be able to appreciate :thumb:
But your lager louts will turn there noses up at them because they will have real flavours ;)

that's a very fair point. pi$$ water it is :sick:

@ JB :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
BrewStew said:

ooooh you're batch size is close to mine... that wont take much converting ;)

the only ingredient i've got out of those is wheat malt :lol: how hard are the other ingredients to come by? i only recognise a few of them from the usual suspects

Traditional Pilsner would have been all Czech Saaz . . . but thats a lot of hops :lol: . . .The NZ Saaz B are really just Czech Saaz on Steroids and you can get them from Craftbrewer I used to bring in a load but since Farams got in on the act NZ Hops wont sell to me anymore :(, and the majority of the NZ crop this year has been ring fenced for the big boys . . . Which means that we have to go to Aus to get them . . . it actually works out cheaper that way too :roll:

You can replace the Pilsner Malt with British Lager . . . and don't really have to use the Munich, but I like too.